Good Morning world of SG!
Time is flying by, and I am flying through time, as we approach yet another equinox. I'm happy to say that I've had some time to bloom this Spring and Summer, and am now looking forward to changing even more, so that I may align with the updated version of who I am becoming.
I am fearless, I am growing, I am learning, I am even teaching!
I am thrilled with where life is taking me, even if I'm not sure of all the steps of my path along the way while taking them.
This year, I have been heavily involved with some inner rearranging, seeking, reclaiming of my personal power, and learning what true self love is, and I am no where near finished on this journey... I get to begin anew with each and every moment.
I believe and know that I am spirit having a human experience, not a human having a spiritual experience.
I believe and know that I have had many life times on Earth, and that this life is dedicated to reclaiming my power, and helping other human beings reach for taking back their power as well.
I do not know what tomorrow holds, nor do I care, to be honest. I know to trust myself, trust the beings around me, and the world within and at large. I know that wherever I end up tomorrow is exactly where I need to be.
I may or may not be shooting anymore sets here... we shall see... seeing as I don't quite fit the mold of what SG stands for. I am different... maybe too different for this community, but I would still like to be apart of this community, and to bring my unique personality to the table and see what adventures I can continue to have here.
I still love being and feeling sexy, but over the years that I've been on this site, the definition of 'sexy' has changed so much, and in such profound ways for me. Unfortunately, for me to explain what I define being sexy as is not going to happen, at the moment.
I want to simply BE, not explain, haha!
I am happy that I can show little glimpses of the adventures that I have through instagram, and I am also happy with keeping my life more of a mystery... I LOVE mystery! I think mystery is uber sexy, actually lol
I know that I am not here to impress anyone, but to show my natural being, and to meet others who may appreciate my specific quirky hue of colour.
I am weird, I am in love with my weird Self, and I intend to be my weird self.
Until next time,
One love
Stay Radiant, strong, and beautiful!