This is what I wanted to share on Tuesday:
It seems as though my mind has gone through a 180 degree flip, recently. As of 2012, when I felt the need to look more into what I am doing on this planet at this time, I started to discover, and rediscover the world beyond the physical. I began to open up to the intangible forces that would float between my awareness of it all. Until, poof- there it was, right in front of me. I started to look more into my dreams; I started to listen more to my body, and the ‘gut’ feelings that prompted me to do or not to do something. I started to look into certain phenomena that took place within me, and without me. Things like coincidences- which I now consider to be synchronicities continue to pop up, and things that happen without my understanding are later revealed to me as being part of the greater plan. I’m being guided to trust myself more, and trust the world around me to allow for successful co-creation.
Here, in 2014, I am beginning to step into something that we all have; I have started to step into my own power. Whoever said things like “You’re not good enough.” Or, “Be more logical, and realize that maybe this isn’t for you.” I would have considered it, prior to where I am now. But, man, does it feel good to go against those statements! I listen to myself, now, and wherever I feel I am called to be, I head towards this. What other people have to say about me, and whatever other people think about me is really none of my business; nor do I want to entertain someone else's perception of me, unless I ask for this feedback. It feels really good to be where I am today, in terms of mind set. I feel that now is a good time to come out of hiding; it’s time to share my blooming process with whoever wants to join me.
It is the year of the Wood Horse, and my goodness, do I ever feel freer than I did in both the year of the Dragon (my sign), and the year of the Snake. These two years, which started off, as a very potent rebirth in the year of the Dragon, were governed by the element of water. Thus, I felt that this was an emotional, reflective time period. This brought me into a place of deep introspection, lots of solitude, where a lot of deep rooted values, beliefs, views, relationships, and habits were being scrutinized… little did I know, until I went through the whole process. I’m glad that I did, though. For now, I see things picking up, outwardly, and with positive free flowing energy, this year. I have rested long enough, and now I can clearly hear the ‘call of the wild’. Here, I come forth to respond to this call, and I am looking forward to where life is going to bring me next. This year, I feel I am able to expand, in peace.
Where self-doubt had stumped me before, I rise above it; not hating my self-doubt, or banishing it to the depths of hell, but loving this obstacle that has lead me to push beyond it, and beyond my comfort zone. This time around, I feel super excited, and super inspired to be myself, and to co-create the reality that I want. I feel, more and more, complete trust in myself, that even if I don’t finish a project through the way I’d like to, or even if something that I had hoped would happen doesn’t that it is for my best interest; my higher good. For instance, I want so much to DJ, but I feel like I’m running into some opposition, as I look to start up on my way with it. Plus it’s an expensive interest to first invest in. So, if this doesn’t pan out, or if I have to wait to set this goal in motion, I trust that whatever happens from here on in is the best thing that can happen for me. No matter what my goals are at the time, I am confident that I am safely being lead to the life of my dreams; If only I develop more faith in life. I don’t want what I am saying to be an excuse not to pursue Djing, though.
Besides, I’ve got a more prominent goal to work towards, one that I have been toiling along with for a while, now. Through the process of self and thought observation, of letting go, of little mini ‘deaths’ of my personality, and of listening to inner voice, I have realized a few very fundamental concepts that have totally revolutionized the way my life is playing out. This goal is to reconnect with the love within myself, work with this love to bring about happiness, and to share this love and happiness with as many people as I can reach.
Happiness… where does it come from? Is it possible to attain, and keep this feeling with me? Absolutely! Being happy is THE process; not the end result, or ultimate destination. Happiness, for me, is all about being honest, and being present. That’s all. See, it is about bringing both the future and the past into your present reality, combining this with the Law of attraction. Like attracts like, so if I focus on something, I simply magnify its influence in my life. When I catch myself in a place, situation, or state that unfavorable to me, I am able to trace my experience down to one or two thoughts that I had earlier on. “I hate it when my plans don’t fall through. I really wanted to see my friend/ sister (whoever), and I wonder if they actually wanted to see me.” I was able to pull this out of my own experience from when I was a teenager, drawing on the awareness that I have gained over the years.
This situation came back around to me more than once, last month! As much as I initially felt angry, and felt like feeding into that anger was the only thing to do at that time, something stopped me from carrying on, unnecessarily. It was the thought that I can choose just how I want to react to this situation. I am not bound to the past or to the future, as feels comfortable for me to believe. Here, I am able to distance myself, emotionally- detach, in order to take a look at where this idea, that people don’t like me, actually came from. Turns out, I ended up creating this feeling when I was a child, and have, since then, decided to re-establish how I feel people respond to me.
If I think that people will find me annoying, or irritating, then I will continue to bring up circumstances to prove that very deeply embedded thought as being true. Disassociating from what I discover, is the next step, as I simply accept that, yes, this is where my mind and I have gone. Then, with a few deep breaths, and with the intention to clear away this old debris, I let the idea of that belief go, straighten my back, and smile. Now, the energy that was producing negative outcomes is gone, and I have the space to replace this belief with that of a positive thought. I believe, in my heart that there is a reason why I enter and exit someone else’s life, no matter how long our encounter. Even if the meeting with another person turns out to be a ‘negative’ experience, I know that judgement is unnecessary, outside of that fact that this is a learning experience. Just as I am learning to really respect everyone who comes in and out of my life for who they are, I am starting to see that the person I come across respects their encounter with me for what it is, as well. I can now look at myself, and know that my time with other people is valuable, and that maybe I don’t always need to spend so much time by myself, in order to truly be myself. If I am being true to who I am, and what makes me happy, and someone else doesn’t agree with my way of being, then it is their choice as to whether or not to continue hanging out with me. If they do, this is probably someone who would be a joy to spend time with, and vice versa.
Crazy, huh? Now, all the people who I interact with on a daily basis are some of the most amazing people, who I absolutely love, and respect. And, this all goes back to that like attracting like stuff, where one thought, has the potential to change my life, dramatically! This, by the way has helped bring in so much happiness; going through this journey we call life, where I take less and less personally, every day. Where I let the past and the future have less and less effect on me, and where I am able to bring my attention to the present. Sometimes it even helps when I reach the moment of coming back to the now, where I ask myself; “What kind of outcome can I create with this moment of awareness?” “What kind of outcome do I want?” I’m just discovering how powerful these two questions have been, when I can lay them down at the right moment.
I know that I am in for a crazy awesome year, this year, and I want to say Thank you! Thank you for reading this, and, thank you for the encounter(s) that we have shared! I have faith that, just as much as I feel that this is going to be an auspicious year for me, I know it will be lucky for you, as well. If I have had an awkward encounter with you, this is me asking for forgiveness. If I have just had a 'bad' experience, though, maybe it means something. I respect whatever interpretation comes to pass. One of my goals is to always be present, so I am leaving my past self behind me, and look forward to the years that are ahead.
So, I guess I’ll slip this in here, because I haven't done so, yet:
Happy 2014! :]
I love drawing this!
At the end of November^
Today :3
"working" in January
All my love, and then some,
I'll add the set link when it comes out. Its almost time!
And, Happy Birthday Bob Marley! I thought it was on Saturday, but turns out its today! What do I know? :P
Awwww, Bob! :)