To be, or not to be... To some, this just seems like it leads to an obvious answer. It should be simple, but sometimes, I honestly can't make up my mind!
Luckily my intuition is so close to me, these days, that I feel its rhythm like a second heart beat of mine.
Instead of focusing on things like:
what I don't have
fear that comes from outside forces
comparing my successes to those of others
being angry or resentful for the negativity that has surrounded me lately
the feeling of falling behind my family, friends, and peers young and old
I am calmly reminded, everyday to focus on the here and now. There is no such thing as time being in the past, present, or future, when you are in the zone. I am allowed days, (like today) when I do 'nothing' and hibernate like a hermit in my room. Just so long as they don't accumulate into a lifestyle all on its own. A Balance of uneventful, and busy days are needed to keep life's wheel turning in the direction of your own influence.
I understand, accept, and embrace the fact that I am a black sheep, and that I'm a late bloomer with all of my life events, but I seriously wouldn't have it any other way!
One of my highest values is that
each of us be our own person,
make our own decisions,
represent our own passions,
trust ourselves,
define our own success,
and love unconditionally.
Okay, so that was more than one, but I think they all go hand in hand with each other, and I know that it is my purpose in life to help spread these messages to anyone I can.
Every day has the potential to bring out so much fear, anger, and ignorance, but it also has the ability to let us find our own happiness, discover something we didn't know the day before, and climb over stones that were once too hard to get over. No matter how small, or complex things become, you always have a choice. I always have the concept of free will in the back of my mind, but I believe in having it- As long as you don't let anyone else influence you to a degree of shifting gears, free will is yours in abundance.
I know that bad things happen, and I know there has been a lot of suffering and pain this year, for many of us, but I just want you to know that change is like an ocean wave, and to change something you need to believe in your ability to bring positive change about. Catch the wave! Don't sink within it. Not without a fight!
Day by day, things will get better. You will get past your shortcomings, and go through the light at the end of the tunnel.
Every time this happens for me, it feels as though I am farther and farther away from my 'friends' of the past. I hear new vocabulary that is positive, encouraging, and inspiring. My true nature becomes more apparent, and I feel more compassionate towards those who have wrong in their lives.
Winter is coming, and more and more, I just want to cuddle in my room, and settle down for a little while, but I know that my soul really needs nature to nurture it... I wish the cold wasn't so harsh on my skin... haha I try not to let it, but when I'm trying to clear my mind outside lately, I find the cold quite distracting.
Sooo, to help with this, I will be starting Yoga, hopefully tomorrow. I know that I need to keep active, and nurture more than my physical body. And, to be honest, with all of the interest I've had in Yoga, I'm not sure why I haven;t started it already? Needless to say, I think I'm at a stage in my life where I'm confidently ready to FINALLY begin taking yoga classes. I'm really excited, as I know, after this my life won't be the same. I'll be closer to where I want to be, as I am becoming more and more receptive to the universe, in wanting to spread her message of love.
I hope you all are doing well, my friends.
you are all precious to me, and I wish the best for you all! :3
Lots of love,

Be who you are, Not what they see.
Luckily my intuition is so close to me, these days, that I feel its rhythm like a second heart beat of mine.
Instead of focusing on things like:
what I don't have
fear that comes from outside forces
comparing my successes to those of others
being angry or resentful for the negativity that has surrounded me lately
the feeling of falling behind my family, friends, and peers young and old
I am calmly reminded, everyday to focus on the here and now. There is no such thing as time being in the past, present, or future, when you are in the zone. I am allowed days, (like today) when I do 'nothing' and hibernate like a hermit in my room. Just so long as they don't accumulate into a lifestyle all on its own. A Balance of uneventful, and busy days are needed to keep life's wheel turning in the direction of your own influence.
I understand, accept, and embrace the fact that I am a black sheep, and that I'm a late bloomer with all of my life events, but I seriously wouldn't have it any other way!
One of my highest values is that
each of us be our own person,
make our own decisions,
represent our own passions,
trust ourselves,
define our own success,
and love unconditionally.
Okay, so that was more than one, but I think they all go hand in hand with each other, and I know that it is my purpose in life to help spread these messages to anyone I can.
Every day has the potential to bring out so much fear, anger, and ignorance, but it also has the ability to let us find our own happiness, discover something we didn't know the day before, and climb over stones that were once too hard to get over. No matter how small, or complex things become, you always have a choice. I always have the concept of free will in the back of my mind, but I believe in having it- As long as you don't let anyone else influence you to a degree of shifting gears, free will is yours in abundance.
I know that bad things happen, and I know there has been a lot of suffering and pain this year, for many of us, but I just want you to know that change is like an ocean wave, and to change something you need to believe in your ability to bring positive change about. Catch the wave! Don't sink within it. Not without a fight!
Day by day, things will get better. You will get past your shortcomings, and go through the light at the end of the tunnel.
Every time this happens for me, it feels as though I am farther and farther away from my 'friends' of the past. I hear new vocabulary that is positive, encouraging, and inspiring. My true nature becomes more apparent, and I feel more compassionate towards those who have wrong in their lives.
Winter is coming, and more and more, I just want to cuddle in my room, and settle down for a little while, but I know that my soul really needs nature to nurture it... I wish the cold wasn't so harsh on my skin... haha I try not to let it, but when I'm trying to clear my mind outside lately, I find the cold quite distracting.
Sooo, to help with this, I will be starting Yoga, hopefully tomorrow. I know that I need to keep active, and nurture more than my physical body. And, to be honest, with all of the interest I've had in Yoga, I'm not sure why I haven;t started it already? Needless to say, I think I'm at a stage in my life where I'm confidently ready to FINALLY begin taking yoga classes. I'm really excited, as I know, after this my life won't be the same. I'll be closer to where I want to be, as I am becoming more and more receptive to the universe, in wanting to spread her message of love.
I hope you all are doing well, my friends.
you are all precious to me, and I wish the best for you all! :3
Lots of love,

Be who you are, Not what they see.
I'm fine,here fall started yellowing the leaves and making the humans more able to stay bed then breathing grey air of the city..
Beeing started to the tastes of being simply a mommy...
what yout u?
find a job?how's the crib?
really hope they'll fp you cutie