Settling in, but can't get too comfortable yet. Now I hear that I'm being ripped off in regards to the apartment I moved into last week. My roommates and I are going to get to the bottom of this... I swear! Even if that means having to move aaaagain.
I feel like I'm being scammed a lot lately... What the fuck? At work, less pay than I expected, less hours than expected, and more nagging from the higher ups...
Even with my phone. I pay for three months of service in advanced, and now its being cut off after the first month.
I feel as though I'm being taught the hard way to put my foot down, and stand up for myself, replacing fear with courage for good.
So many things to correct in this next little while, but once that is done, I'll finally be able to take a little break. Maybe go back for a visit in Montreal. I miss Alle dearly!
Oh well, I know that once I do learn the true meaning of courage that it will be a day worthy of celebration!
Yup, October's been a not so smooth month so far, but I know to stay positive and to stay focused, because as the famous saying goes, "This too shall pass."
I continue to play around with my camera. It would be nice to eventually upgrade my camera, and equipment, but for now, I like what I've been getting lately.
There are more pictures, somewhere, but let's continue, shall we?
I don't know why I'm still getting comments on Dormant Power, but I must say hitting the 1000 comment mark is a nice thing to experience. Thank you everyone who has continued to show me love. Not just in commenting on my sets, but for carrying on the lovely conversations, sharing stories, exchanging advice and information, and just enjoying the site together. Its a great place to be, and I'm really thankful to be apart of this wonderful, and life changing place.
Yeah... I am definitely stirring something up. Its just a matter of time, now. Muhahahaa!
Its Canadian Thanksgiving weekend! At the very start of the weekend, I wanted to be alone, because I was dealing with the frustrations that I mentioned at the beginning of the blog, but I'm glad that I was able to pull myself out of that slum. I guess I just really needed some time to vent that out. Bottling up emotions can kill... That's right folks!
More things that I am thankful for:
My family who knows how distant I can be, but still embraces me with open arms!
My extended family, who I've grown to care so much about. My blood relatives, my boyfriend's family, my dear friends, as well as the many people that I am friends with on SG. I have an AMAZING support system behind me, and all I can say to that is, I'm honored!
My boyfriend, who I can say has definitely been a life altering influence in my life. He's helped me be more open minded, and to do my best not to rely on what I was told was the right way to rely on when working through this puzzle we call life. I've been able to relax, shut my mind off, stop planning my next move detail for detail. Stop worrying when the cards aren't in my favor. Don't worry. Things will happen as they need to.
I've now realized that I am a really intuitive person. I can pick up on things that are very subtle, but just as powerful. I can now successfully rely on my intuition as my primary guide through the bumper car maze I'm currently in... That's the kind of change I mean. Although I won't be giving him all the credit, he's definitely helped me chill the fuck out, and that in itself is pretty powerful. Crazy, huh?
His mother was just diagnosed with stage four cancer, so I was happy to visit her in the hospital to see that things had been stabilized, that she had other people close to her, and that she was laughing and smiling a lot. She's such a positive person, and my thoughts go out to her. I know that she will be able to beat it!
Good food, lots of adventures with Mary Jane. Soaking up the sun in Nature's classroom, whenever possible.
This summer was another thing to be thankful for. It was beautiful, and full of adventures from the very beginning to the very end. Ending with me living in my old roommate's living room. I'm just happy that I can look back on that and be thankful that I was able to stay there for a little while, while I searched for a place to live.
Oh and this
My bf and I in a photo booth at a friend's wedding!
There is tons more, but really... I'm starting to sound really corny!
Now to get this house business settled once and for all.
Stay beautiful, friends. I love you
The lights will guide you home.
Happy Thanks Giving!