Am I the body? The body will be discarded like an old dress but I continue, so Im not that. Am I the mind? The mind too fades and is not eternal, so I am not that. I am atma, the eternal soul. I am love.
Awake in the World, by Debra Moffitt

If letting go means letting be
And the truth beyond the mind is what I need
Im an evolutionary sleeper
Cynic, Evolutionary Sleeper
Don't be scared of the unknown. Although the ground below me is indeed unstable- any step I take might make damage this network of bridges I entangled myself in.- I know that if I close my eyes, open up my ears, and listen with my pulse and rhythm of my heart, I will prevail. Only fuel this heart with love, and in return advance with glowing curiosity, and eyes that show no vengeance, hatred or pity within the morphing aura of the soul bearer. Since the only constant in life is change, and life is just long enough to reach out your petals in achievement for having had the chance to kiss the sun... I know its never too late to stop dancing with of the impossible projections of the imprisonment I feel coming from the place I'm in. The weight is heavy, and ripples of the economy are making everyone more cautions, and guarded. But I believe that I have the power to be patient, and make every single day from here on in count towards freeing myself financially, so that the past can finally let go of me, and I can start to truly live.
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Much love!