The week before my birthday, a few other SGs, Shazzy, and I shot a little somethin' somethin' ,and you can expect to see the results of that on May 27th. It was originally scheduled for an appearance on the 31st, but some sets were bumped up, including this one!

On my birthday, I was sitting at a table with both Glitch and Alle. (two of my top twenty... if that even means anything. ) I felt so special!
Sadly, I have no photos this time around. Glitch is wonderful! And Alle? I have been in love with her for a while now!
Later that day, I went to Harbourfront by myself, had a picnic, continued my affair with Mary Jane, and let the day soak in. I enjoyed the beautiful weather, the sights, the sounds, and let my senses soak up the life and vitality that was surrounding and within me. It was a beautiful day, indeed. Thank you very much for everyone who sent out birthday wishes! There were a lot of you, but I hope I got back to everyone who sent me some birthday love.
Had a lovely Gathering with a several other members and SGs in the Toronto area. I had a blast, and missed seeing everyone! They have the SG Canada East Gala coming up next month, but I'm afraid I'm too bashful to make it! I'm not sure what's happened to me lately, but I haven't been out partying for the longest time! I think the last time was new years, and that was a hotel party in Niagara Falls. The last time I got drunk, however was this weekend. I had an amazing weekend, this past long weekend. We celebrated the Birthday of Queen Victoria... not really.It just seems like this is another excuse to drink, which after a few months straight of no alcohol, I did. We went to a family BBQ. I decided out of no where that I wanted a few MGDs. Its so good! And no morning hangovers is a wonderful bonus! When I finally realized I was drunk on the ride back home, I buried my head and curled up in a ball lol.
I even missed seeing the eclipse that happened that night. (Sunday) Did anyone else see it? I remember there being a solar eclipse the day before my birthday, back in 1994. That was awesome timing! May 10 seems a little popular for eclipse occurrences, even possibly in the future!
This one was dubbed "The Ring of Fire"
I didn't take these. Found them on Tumblr! Wish I could have, though.
What's happening right now? Not a whole lot. Enjoying One Piece. I'm skipping, and am on the bike, in some really lovely weather. Getting in a bit of family time. Looking for jobs/apartments, and some time with the boy, whenever that can be squeezed in. Its good that he's busy again. I am too, but in a different way.
I am currently undergoing a process of renewal, and rebirth. I'm getting rid of my permed hair, letting my natural hair back in. The new growth is so curly!
I can get it like this in a year or so:
I'm chopping the rest of the permed hair off by the end of this week. There is enough hair after that to act as a really soft cushion for a little while! Gotta have some fun with this!
When it gets longer, I am going to do a set in a wonderful spot I found yesterday. Its beautiful! I was high, and just wanted to bask in the nature that I saw and felt there yesterday. I was topless there for about 5 minutes, and it was probably my favourite 5 minutes of the day! Then people started showing up...
I am re learning things that I was taught to by other people. Reinventing, reworking how to do things. A lot of observing, but I do my best not to judge.
I think it will be a good summer.
I recently discovered that flying to most of the places I'd like to visit is rather inexpensive. Not cheap, but not shoot a hole through your wallet expensive! This is good! Now I can start planning trips the right way, and not last minute, where me having a laminated Birth Certificate won't be a problem!
I've made a lot of claims as to travel plans that were in fact just wishful thinking on my part. They were always so last minute. I know I'll be able to travel a bit next year. Might get out to NY by the end of this year, and I really want to go to the UK, France, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Italy, Amsterdam SA, LA, Vancouver, and Chicago. There are more places, but these places have stuck with me for the longest time. Then there is Ohio... the ever elusive Ohio hehe I will make it there one day!
This transformation is definitely going to be documented, a least in my head. Its just starting, but its such a beautiful experience to be going through. A few things I'm realizing is that love is all we need. It doesn't have to be romantic, it would be nice if more unconditional love would float around more often. Also, Those things that are so natural and freeing are scrutinized a whole lot where I live, and in a lot of the world. Why?! I just want to be naked!!! (at least in the summer)
For A Birthday present, I got this SWEEEEET fan art from Fimbis. I tell you, I'm in love with this picture every time I see it! Thank you!!!
"I open myself to the healing powers of love.
I deeply and truly love and approve of myself.
Love is the purpose of my life.
Love is everywhere." Heart Chakra Affirmations
Did this last night
Be Free, my friends
Til Next time,
Lots of love!
Dormant Power is at 700 comments! Thank you, everyone! So much and dearly!
I have a visceral reaction to a lady or I do not. The same may be said about her photos. When I discover certain things about her they may enhance or reduce the attraction depending on what they are.
I'm doing very well here. I hope all is well with you too!
P.S. I love curly hair. Cini is a good example there. Menina and Colada are too.