This weeks blog homework was an awesome topic. @missy, @rambo and the wonderful HQ ladies asked us to explain out fashion inspiration. So here is mine from when I changed from standard modeling to alternative modeling.
Growing up I was inspired by Avril Lavigne and anime style and I started to incorporate it into my dress-code at school and on weekends.
I then went through a stage of wanting to be a bit more feminine and i started adding extra stuff and wearing make up on a daily basis. as my style changed one thing stayed the same, I will always be a jeans and t shirt kinda girl. I started adding dresses and heels to my day to day live not just in my modeling.
These things helped mold and shape my style to what it is today. I found that trying new things with my style helped me figure out who I am. The one thing I love most about my fashion and its inspiration is that i can take 3 simple items in my closet and I can go from casual to corporate in just one jacket change.
My hair, the way it is cut now (straight cut fringe) was inspired by Kenzi from the Lost Girl series and the red was inspired by my mum. I was supposed to go blue again before shooting my Tea Time Set and we couldn't find the blue I wanted to she suggested go red and I did.
Tea Time Set (Still in MR)
Blue Velvet (coming out in May)
I hope you all enjoyed the blog and photos. <3
Loads of Love and Luck