The homework this week given by @rambo and @missy has made me the happiest girl ever! I have been dying for a chance to just geek out about my clan, my team my full love and passion and support for League of Legends.
I started playing League of Legends about 3 years ago, My ex was into it and thought it was a good idea to try and teach me a few things (what he actually meant was he needed a support) so there I was running into towers and dying, the best KDA ever of 0/30/4, I thought I was doing well. but as time went on I realized that there was more to the game than just clicking a mouse and button bashing and during season 3 LOL released my favorite champion, Zyra. I loved her nature story, the simple way her pretty plants could do so much damage, I fell in love with how beautiful and how cruel she was, she was exactly what mother nature really is and me being Pagan i couldn't help but decide I wanted to learn her. Zyra has an incredible kit that makes me shiver at the simple ease that she gets a quadra kill. I still play her with my team. She is my go to champion when I am having a bad day.
There is one more champion that came out after Zyra that was the fun whimsical side of me, The Bitter sweet, Adorable but powerful Lulu. I saw Lulu and the first thing that went through my mind was, This is me in cartoon form! I was so happy that I had finally found something that represented that side of me, Lulu has the same personality as me. Loves purple, loves cute little critters and believes in Faeries. (p.s thats where Lufae comes from :D Lulu and Faeries)
I Slowly climbed to max level (30) and started playing in ranked games. I formed a team with my ex and his best friend. We were called 2 guys and a girl... sounds like a really bad sitcom, But we played 3v3 and did very well, we dreamt of playing in the DGL (South Africas biggest gaming tournament) however there was so 3v3 competitions going on so we retired the team and went our own ways, I joined a group of people and started researching more into the game and found that there was a huge following to it, I started watching the LCS and following teams and wanting to play this in a more serious way so I went on a search for clan. I found one within a month and soon realized how much drama was in the clan. the one owner left and the other owner asked me to take over her spot as I was a natural leader and so I did. I ran the clan and had 3 teams in the DGL and 2 international teams within 3 months. That year 2 of my teams made it to play offs in the last leg but was knocked out. The last team was retired after a personal dispute between the ADC and Jungler. I was proud but I felt like we could do more so we spoke to our sister clan Mad Hatters and asked them about a merge, our clan joins their clan and we all play under Mad Hatters but I still run my teams and admin them.
Thus we are here now, I am the mid laner for Mad Hatters, We are an undefeated team in the DGL open Div and we are here to win. My team now consists of the most fun and awesome guys I could ever ask for. We gel well and work together like a team should. I have only started playing mid lane for them and I still have a lot to learn but these guys are very helpful. The clan I am with now is one I must say I am honored and proud to be a part of. I get to play my favorite game with my friends. Without league I probably wouldn't know these guys, that's why it's my favorite game. it has brought so many amazing times and friendships
Thats us at our last DGL game. we all play online at homes until the final which is at the gaming convention at the end of the year. Me sitting in the middle so I can see whats happening bot (ADC in front of me on his phone..) and jungler next to me so I can see whats happening there and so he can see when he needs to gank my lane. Guys behind me is one of our subs, he is so much fun to hang out with. Our support played at his place and our top laner is an international so he plays at his house in Holland. That's how my set up is every Sunday night. I always play with my ADC and junglers house, They have better internet :P
I also have Lulu and my own version of Tibbers tattooed on me from League of Legends.
Lulu forearm and Tibbers rib cage.
I am also getting my own version of Orianna on my leg next week! :D
Well that's me on my favorite game and my clan and team. Hope you enjoyed reading mt geek out session.
Loads of love and luck
P.s my set Tea Time is still in MR! check it out! <3