SO this week has been hectic so far. I dont have any pics to post as I'm working on a new pc and I don't have everything loaded on here yet but I thought while I have a small moment to breath I shall blog.
I finally got a wonderful new job working in a mall. It isn't so bad. We sell games, books, movies and cds. If they had SG posters and things to do with SG it would be the perfect place to work with my 5 favorite things but alas I can only have 4 of my favorite things in one place. I started last week and have been so busy with training I haven't had time to breath.
I have finally settled into my new apartment and will hopefully be able to bring the rest of my things up from Cape Town soon. I'm only missing a few of my things like the rest of my book collection and teddy bears and a few items of clothing I wasn't allowed to take with on the plane. Paying for extra weight is way to expensive!! I should have more time soon to properly get used to living in Pretoria but until then I guess it is work and studying for me.
I have found a wonderful sponsor up here as well who will be doing my new tattoos. as soon as I get my new one I will post pics of it. I am hoping to get it done soon. The idea behind it is a female robot on my left calf leg, I won't lie I am completely nervous to get it done but then again all tattoos hurt and I am always nervous before a new piece.
I found out that one of my favorite authors has brought out a new book!! I can hardly stop smiling. Lauren Kates new book Teardrop was released just a few days ago and I have been staring at it at work for the last few days contemplating buying it when I get paid at the end of the month.
On the subject of things I can't wait to get, League of legends is bringing out a new champion soon!!! apparently he will be a support champion which is perfect as I play support a lot and I can't wait to try him out but I will have to wait for the new year. He is only coming out end of December. Talking about League Of Legends I finally got a Legendary Skin for Zilien!! It is the Time Machine! It is the only one of his skins that is not available to buy anymore!! which makes it a legendary. I was lucky enough to get it in a mystery gift thanks to my best friend and wonderful ADC Husqy! :D
Also I have some awesome news to follow soon so keep watching this space!
Loads of Love and Luck
LuFae! <3