Hi folks.. this will probably be my last entry before I hit Spain for the summer.. so I'm making it a long one !

First off.. I'm no one's lady... I didn't get to have the boy I wanted... instead we have become closer and I truly feel I have a friend in him. Its awesome.

1. How many people have you kissed in the...
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hey bonjou r!
nouvelle ?

bienvenue !
I do a lot of classes in Victoria and Vancouver, what part of Canada are you in?
Je quitte pour Barcelone le 16 mai et j'y serai jusqu'au 25 (avec un petit "dtour" Seville).
I just read something I thought was really wicked and I wanted to share it with all of you

Jenny was a bright-eyed, pretty five-year-old girl.
One day when she and her mother were checking out at the grocery store, Jenny saw a plastic pearl necklace priced at $2.50.
How she wanted that necklace, and when she asked her mother if she would buy it...
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i am off that job tomorrow!
I was up at 5am this weekend (both days) so your 8am seems so decadent to me!!!

(btw, like the text)
The last month has been pretty hectic.
Who am I kidding ? I beleive I've been going crazy here !

Conferences, term papers, extra research, a friends brain surgery (not fooling), arguments with my boss, moving in and moving out, learning that my training scheme got cancelled because my departement pulled the funding, shows, bonfires, mad studying sessions, figuring out what I'm going to do...
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Hehe, thank you. Anything music related gets me excited smile
My teacher just selected me to enter this philosophy contest... out of 360 students.. I was shocked.- Now I'm hysterical !

In other news, tommorow I'm meeting up with this wicked guy... each time he's around I feel like I could go nuts and I want to do is play in mud, make sand sandwiches and end up naked with him plastered with dirt.. I...
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Kidnap huh.... smile ....Having someone dancing around was interesting and an experience. Surprising how many other woman wanted to get up too.
Well done and good luck for your contest....I hope your meeting was happy for you. Enjoy your weekend... wink

I'm uber nervous. I'm meeting up with this girl tommorow after class. We were sort of hanging out and seeing each other a year ago... But I just never called her back.

And now she's working in my dept. and we decided to see each other again..

I'm so nervous. Did i mention it ? blush blush

It turned out to be awesome. I still have...
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It was and i did thank you...next year i maybe boarding in banff!!....id love to hang out in the woods. Its always one place you might find me....
ouais, ca serait super! wink
l'argent par exemple. Mais effectivement peut tre il y a des vols moins chres de la france smile
sinon t'es jamais all dans les tats unis? Un ami moi est en Californie dans ce moment por travail et est enthousiaste.
(Et connais tu Paris?)

I'm uber nervous. I'm meeting up with this girl tommorow after class. We were sort of hanging out and seeing each other a year ago... But I just never called her back.

And now she's working in my dept. and we decided to see each other again..

I'm so nervous. Did i mention it ? blush

It turned out to be awesome. I still have shivers....
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jj'ai juste chang d'arrondisement. Mais je suis toujours sur Paris wink et a ait dj 4 mois que je demenag smile
toi t'es d'o?
I have about nine books to read for next week. Cramming data into my head.
Between various wasted moments, I havent had the time to smile wink

So tons of smiles out to all of you biggrin

Dee ARRR!!!
things are good over here. all my snakes ate so i'm happy biggrin

what books are you reading?
Salut smile

Militant sparatiste, hein? hehe Bof, j'ai toujours trouv que le nationalisme tait une perte de temps dans la plupart des cas modernes mondiaux, sans vouloir trop vexer ses partisans.

a tire souvent ses racines d'une trame xnophobe, hermtique ou conservatrice fond... des valeurs qui sont plutt opposes aux miennes.

Sinon, a vient parfois de la conviction de n'avoir rien en commun avec "les autres", c'est--dire ceux dont on veut se sparer. L, je comprends le dbat, mais encore une fois, je trouve que ce n'est pas en allant se cacher dans un coin que a va aider les choses au plan global. Oui, il y a une fiert tre diffrent... par exemple, je suis fier de quelques-uns de mes efforts environnementaux... mais ce n'est pas en me rfugiant avec d'autres gens comme moi et en se repliant sur nous-mmes que nous allons changer les habitudes d'une socit.

Mme chose pour le Qubec... le Canada a besoin du Qubec... sinon, qui va contre-balancer le discours plutt conservateur des prairies? Tant qu' avoir un pays central-gauche et un autre pays droite, je prfre un seul pays plutt central dchir par les dbats...

Et si on prend le dossier environmental en exemple... en tant une province, on peut lgifrer plus strictement un niveau provincial et continuellement mettre de la pression sur le gouvernement fdral pour qu'il ralise que son plan est ridicule. Si le Qubec tait un pays, le Canada n'aurait pas cette pression supplmentaire qui, esprons-le, lui fera finalement ajuster son tir... ventuellement....

Et toi, que sont donc ces neuf livres lire? a en fait pas mal!
I woke up this morning with the urge to grab my snowshoes and run outside.
9 hours of fresher air and snowflake bliss
- A day off -
Luxury that does not come often in my current schedule.
