Short blog cuz I am not myself these days and just a very sad soul right now......
(hopefully I will be able to blog as normal whenI get my head right, but right now I'm lucky enough just to pull this together

I do though, hope all my loves out there in SGland are doing/feeling better than me right now!
(hopefully I will be able to blog as normal whenI get my head right, but right now I'm lucky enough just to pull this together

I do though, hope all my loves out there in SGland are doing/feeling better than me right now!
Loneliness adds beauty to life.
It puts a special burn on sunsets and makes night air smell better.
~Henry Rollins
~LucySky Suicide
As always though, even these melancholy images are so poignant and way cool.
I hope things lighten up for you soon.
Cheers ...