So last nights Henry Rollins show was amazing! Not only was the show totally awesome, as of course I knew it would be ( I mean he had me in tears I was laughing so much) but Henry is such a nice guy to meet. After the show (almost 3 hour show) he came out back of the venue by the gate in front of his bus to meet people and sign stuff and take pictures. So then it came my turn and I was so nervous, I am standing in front of a man I highly respect and admire. So I tell him sorry, I know he hates this stuff (cuz he does but is awesome enough to still do it) and I hand him my favorite book (High Adventures in the Great Outdoors circa 1992) and tell him it is my favorite and I wish he would write more like his older stuff, and I have read it like 5 times, but I know that was a different guy and now he is all nice and cute. He just says he writes them as he sees them, as he signs my book.

Then his security guy that was holding this little flash light over him so he could see to sign stuff, says well quote something. So, I am very nervous and standing there with Henry and everyone else is quite and I didn't quote the whole passage but I was able to deliver a direct quote out of the book, I was very proud of myself lol! I was so nervous. And Henry says, " Did I right that?!?" and gives a big smile. And in my good old fashion I gave his arm a squeeze and pat and say, "Well I know at your age it may be hard to remember" Everyone was like oooohhhh and started laughing. So needless to say, FUCKING AWESOME TIME AND AWESOME MAN!!!!!!! I got to meet a hero of mine and he did not let me down!( And got to touch him!!!
I also got awesome shirt.....
The back:

Now, getting ready to leave Friday for my road trip to Columbus!!!!!!

The list of girls is unreal, and have talked to a few and looking forward to meeting them and hopefully meeting up Saturday during the day. I also am going to have the pleasure of meeting one of my favorite people on this site as well as I'm sure many members that I don't even know about yet!

And if Saturday during the day turns a bust, I am bringing my trusty PBR board and just gonna board around downtown Columbus and see what itz about!

3 days and counting
And just because itz true......

Then his security guy that was holding this little flash light over him so he could see to sign stuff, says well quote something. So, I am very nervous and standing there with Henry and everyone else is quite and I didn't quote the whole passage but I was able to deliver a direct quote out of the book, I was very proud of myself lol! I was so nervous. And Henry says, " Did I right that?!?" and gives a big smile. And in my good old fashion I gave his arm a squeeze and pat and say, "Well I know at your age it may be hard to remember" Everyone was like oooohhhh and started laughing. So needless to say, FUCKING AWESOME TIME AND AWESOME MAN!!!!!!! I got to meet a hero of mine and he did not let me down!( And got to touch him!!!

I also got awesome shirt.....
The back:

Now, getting ready to leave Friday for my road trip to Columbus!!!!!!

The list of girls is unreal, and have talked to a few and looking forward to meeting them and hopefully meeting up Saturday during the day. I also am going to have the pleasure of meeting one of my favorite people on this site as well as I'm sure many members that I don't even know about yet!

And if Saturday during the day turns a bust, I am bringing my trusty PBR board and just gonna board around downtown Columbus and see what itz about!

3 days and counting

And just because itz true......

& raise you . . .
safe travels,
avoid bat country :batattak:
& I'll see y'all on Saturday!