Dear Die_ary,
weekend was boooooooooring
didn't do a thing....
Today has been 1 year since I've known my good friend Darklord
We are going to have dinner at our favorite mexican restaurant (hmmmmm strawberry margaritas
I bought him something and I'm pretty sure he'll love it (I love giving gifts!
Today it's sooooooo frickin' cold !!!!
My hands are white and frozen as I speak 'cause I just came back from coffee break
I miss summer.....
how was your weekend? Did you have fun???
here's some pics from a refused photoset
& hugz
^V^ Akasha ^V^
weekend was boooooooooring

didn't do a thing....
Today has been 1 year since I've known my good friend Darklord

We are going to have dinner at our favorite mexican restaurant (hmmmmm strawberry margaritas

I bought him something and I'm pretty sure he'll love it (I love giving gifts!

Today it's sooooooo frickin' cold !!!!

how was your weekend? Did you have fun???

here's some pics from a refused photoset

^V^ Akasha ^V^
thanx! i like your hair.

The second picture, the profile, shows your awesome angles...although one of the best parts is quite round, not angular!