Dear Die_ary,
Went to Darklord's
place after work, did my zombie make-up then par-tay!!!!
I was dressed as a zombie
Darklord was dressed as The Grim Ripper
Darklord's girlfriend was a pirate
then our friends dressed up as a ninja, Pocahontas, scotish, cat, witch and a creature from the forest
We went to a restaurant, scared the hell out of the customers
At dinner I drank a whole bottle of white wine, so I began to feel a little buzzed
Then we went for some drinks at a bar called "Wallstreet" and there was a costume contest going on.
Our gang filled out the papers and one by one went to the stadge and present themselves, including me
I drank alot of vodka, and was completly hammered
When they called my to go to the stadge the first thing I did was to grab the microphone and yelled a scary "otep" (the band) kinda scream. I behaved badly all night, I threw my fake gross hand to the stadge several times, sweared at the live band that was playing... resuming I didn't won anything
The witch was in the third place, Darklord as The Grim Ripper won the second place, and some stupid sheeps won the first place
The prize was USD 50 worth of drinks so I wasn't sad 'cause I couldn't drink anymore, I was sooo sick
I slept at Darklord's place and when I got there I puked all over the floor. Luckly they don't have a carpet, but it was gross anyways
When I woke up the next day (it was a holiday, so I didn't work), I had the most terrible hangover...
I couldn't even open my eyes
my head hurt like a mother fucker!!!
I took some headache pills, the three of us went out for lunch, took a walk on the beach and I started to feel better...
I took some pics of the Mardi Gras party... you can see them all
me as a zombie
so gross
The Grim Ripper is slicing my neck
Darklord as The Grim Ripper
Darklord's girlfriend as a pirate
hmmm yummy pirate !
me and The Grim Ripper
me, The Grim Ripper and witch
the gang
me and pirate drunk
Well hope you're having a good week so far !!!!!
& hugz
^V^ Akasha ^V^

Went to Darklord's

I was dressed as a zombie
Darklord was dressed as The Grim Ripper
Darklord's girlfriend was a pirate
then our friends dressed up as a ninja, Pocahontas, scotish, cat, witch and a creature from the forest
We went to a restaurant, scared the hell out of the customers

At dinner I drank a whole bottle of white wine, so I began to feel a little buzzed

Then we went for some drinks at a bar called "Wallstreet" and there was a costume contest going on.
Our gang filled out the papers and one by one went to the stadge and present themselves, including me

I drank alot of vodka, and was completly hammered

When they called my to go to the stadge the first thing I did was to grab the microphone and yelled a scary "otep" (the band) kinda scream. I behaved badly all night, I threw my fake gross hand to the stadge several times, sweared at the live band that was playing... resuming I didn't won anything

The witch was in the third place, Darklord as The Grim Ripper won the second place, and some stupid sheeps won the first place

The prize was USD 50 worth of drinks so I wasn't sad 'cause I couldn't drink anymore, I was sooo sick

I slept at Darklord's place and when I got there I puked all over the floor. Luckly they don't have a carpet, but it was gross anyways

When I woke up the next day (it was a holiday, so I didn't work), I had the most terrible hangover...

I took some headache pills, the three of us went out for lunch, took a walk on the beach and I started to feel better...
I took some pics of the Mardi Gras party... you can see them all
me as a zombie

so gross

The Grim Ripper is slicing my neck

Darklord as The Grim Ripper

Darklord's girlfriend as a pirate

hmmm yummy pirate !

me and The Grim Ripper

me, The Grim Ripper and witch

the gang

me and pirate drunk

Well hope you're having a good week so far !!!!!

^V^ Akasha ^V^
hey bella, Feliz dia de amor! Beso! 

Hi babe. Damn you're hot. I think I love ya