Dear Die_ary,
Well, after that crazy last weekend, this week was calm...., but I'm very excited about Mardi Gras
It's such a huge holiday here! We dress up and go to parades and parties (just another excuse to get waisted
I am going to dress up as a ZOMBIE
I am going to make fake blood (my dear friend MeKabRe gave me a recipy), have latex to fake the scars, bought white contacs and a fake gross arm (to hold it and pretend I am eating it
Next Monday night, me, Darklord
, his girlfriend and some more friends are going to a restaurant, have dinner, then off to a wild and long night to celebrate Mardi Gras!!!!!
Next day is a holiday, so we have time to cure the hangover
We all have to wear costumes, so Darklord is going as
The Grim Ripper
and his girlfriend as a pirate
I am very stocked about all this !!!! It's gonna be awesome !
I will post pictures and keep you updated
... more news:
I bought a mp3 player
it's by "Creative Zen Toutch" with 20GB
it's fun to have most of your music collection in your hand
I am posting some pics of it:
now that you are so close, can you guess what music am I hearing?
yesterday I changed my hair....but just for that day, I still have tiny red bangs
Any plans for the weekend??? Have fun !
& hugz
^V^ Akasha ^V^
Well, after that crazy last weekend, this week was calm...., but I'm very excited about Mardi Gras

It's such a huge holiday here! We dress up and go to parades and parties (just another excuse to get waisted

I am going to dress up as a ZOMBIE

I am going to make fake blood (my dear friend MeKabRe gave me a recipy), have latex to fake the scars, bought white contacs and a fake gross arm (to hold it and pretend I am eating it

Next Monday night, me, Darklord

I am very stocked about all this !!!! It's gonna be awesome !

I will post pictures and keep you updated

... more news:
I bought a mp3 player

it's fun to have most of your music collection in your hand

I am posting some pics of it:

now that you are so close, can you guess what music am I hearing?

yesterday I changed my hair....but just for that day, I still have tiny red bangs

Any plans for the weekend??? Have fun !

^V^ Akasha ^V^
Send me some pics of the show if you can