Dear Die_ary,
oh man !! I got sooo much to tell you!! Last Friday was fuckin' unreal !!!
After work, I drove to Darklord's
place. He was having a dinner party
His girlfriend was gonna be there
and 2 other friends.
I had to be discreet and won't flirt with him, so his girlfriend won't notice anything strange on my behaviour... she doesn't have a clue that Darklord and I are lovers for almost a year now !
When I got there, I started making margaritas, made 2 pitchers of "the original margarita" and 2 pitchers of "strawberry margarita"
Darklord made fajitas and his girl made the appetizers: nachos with guacamole and oven baked mushrooms
Everything was soooo tasty !!
and we drank alot of margaritas and Coronas and got so waisted
After dinner, Darklord showed me his precious and rare DVD's and even lent me some
Then other couple went home and the 3 of us decided to go out for more drinks!
Darklord's car has only 2 seats so I was seated in the open trunk.
We went to TocSin, the metal bar
it was rockin' !! Obituary, Death, Brujeria, Slayer.. could this be any better?
We drank a lot of beer and vodka while we were there
and we even saw some lesbian action
The bar closed at 4 am and we were so hammered!! To avoid making 2 trips to drive me home, they asked me if I wanted to stay at their place
and I promised to make breakfast
So on our way to their place, we were laughing and telling jokes, when suddenly there were alot of cops
and there were no way we could turn back
Darklord was drunk and I was in the trunk (hey even rhymed!
) and we began to panic 'cause he could get a huge fine for that!!!
I covered myself with a blanket and prayed for the cops won't notice me
The cops were stoping each car and he got pulled over
He did the test and he had way too much alcohol
The cops drove Darklord to headquarters and left his girl alone at the car... and me at the trunk! They haven't noticed me
We waited for 1 hour and we couldn't wait any longer. We needed to piss sooooo bad !!!
Darklord's girl asked a cop
where she could take a piss and he told her to piss behind some bushes... THANKS ALOT YOU FUCKER
But she couldn't take it any more and took a piss behind the bushes
She returned to the car and I was hyperventilating... I would piss my pants any second if I didn't take a leak !!!!
But how could I get out of the trunk when there were cops everywhere ???
We had to take a chance: so she opened the trunk and I got out really quickly
Nobody noticed anything and I took a piss behing the bushes
Then we took a cab to meet Darklord at the cop's Headquarters. I was so fuckin excited that we pulled this off that I fuckin' forgot my bagback at the cab !!!!!
but I only realized that it was missing 1 hour later (once you loose something on a cab, you'll never see it again)
Then I thought: I only had a beach towel (that I wraped the booze with, so they won't break on my way to Darklord's place), the bagpack itself was really cool (it was Everlast's) and that was it....but then it hit me: THE MOVIES !!!!! Collector's Edition "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (the first one, Director's Cut)
, "Dawn of the Dead" (the first one), "Dark City" and "Army of Darkness"
I cryed for beeing such a stupid hair head
He told me not to worry about it but I promised him I'll buy him every single movie...
Cops released him around 7 am, he payed a small fine and the 3 of us took a cab and headed home to their place
I slept at the living room, nothing naughty happened
Woke up around 1pm, took a shower. Darklord's friend drove him to his car, then he drove me home
I am still so sad about the loss of the movies
, Darklord told me again not to worry about it, but I know that the movies were very important to him. He's just too cool to admit that
So as I promised here's some PICTURES FROM THE PARTY !!!!
me and Darklord's girlfriend drinking margaritas
Darklord cooking
"Cook for me bitch !!"
me making strawberry margaritas
Darklord's drunk face
having dinner (Darklord's taking the pic)
We had fun with Darklord's car !!!
Besides all that cops thing, we had lots of fun ! it was such an epic night
What about you??? Did you have fun this weekend???
& hugz
^V^ Akasha ^V^
oh man !! I got sooo much to tell you!! Last Friday was fuckin' unreal !!!

After work, I drove to Darklord's

I had to be discreet and won't flirt with him, so his girlfriend won't notice anything strange on my behaviour... she doesn't have a clue that Darklord and I are lovers for almost a year now !

When I got there, I started making margaritas, made 2 pitchers of "the original margarita" and 2 pitchers of "strawberry margarita"

Everything was soooo tasty !!

After dinner, Darklord showed me his precious and rare DVD's and even lent me some

Then other couple went home and the 3 of us decided to go out for more drinks!

We went to TocSin, the metal bar

The bar closed at 4 am and we were so hammered!! To avoid making 2 trips to drive me home, they asked me if I wanted to stay at their place


So on our way to their place, we were laughing and telling jokes, when suddenly there were alot of cops

Darklord was drunk and I was in the trunk (hey even rhymed!

I covered myself with a blanket and prayed for the cops won't notice me
The cops were stoping each car and he got pulled over
He did the test and he had way too much alcohol
The cops drove Darklord to headquarters and left his girl alone at the car... and me at the trunk! They haven't noticed me

We waited for 1 hour and we couldn't wait any longer. We needed to piss sooooo bad !!!

Darklord's girl asked a cop

She returned to the car and I was hyperventilating... I would piss my pants any second if I didn't take a leak !!!!

But how could I get out of the trunk when there were cops everywhere ???

We had to take a chance: so she opened the trunk and I got out really quickly

Then we took a cab to meet Darklord at the cop's Headquarters. I was so fuckin excited that we pulled this off that I fuckin' forgot my bagback at the cab !!!!!

Then I thought: I only had a beach towel (that I wraped the booze with, so they won't break on my way to Darklord's place), the bagpack itself was really cool (it was Everlast's) and that was it....but then it hit me: THE MOVIES !!!!! Collector's Edition "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (the first one, Director's Cut)

I cryed for beeing such a stupid hair head

He told me not to worry about it but I promised him I'll buy him every single movie...
Cops released him around 7 am, he payed a small fine and the 3 of us took a cab and headed home to their place
I slept at the living room, nothing naughty happened

Woke up around 1pm, took a shower. Darklord's friend drove him to his car, then he drove me home
I am still so sad about the loss of the movies

So as I promised here's some PICTURES FROM THE PARTY !!!!
me and Darklord's girlfriend drinking margaritas

Darklord cooking

me making strawberry margaritas

Darklord's drunk face

having dinner (Darklord's taking the pic)

We had fun with Darklord's car !!!

Besides all that cops thing, we had lots of fun ! it was such an epic night

What about you??? Did you have fun this weekend???

^V^ Akasha ^V^
Anyway, just stopping by to say hello.