Dear Die_ary,
How was your weekend?
I rest the whole weekend, didn't do much.
Saw the new "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"
man it sucked
it's so much different from the original, the original is so much better! Well in most cases, the remakes are worse than the original movie...
well "Dawn of the Dead", the remake, is not included, 'cause the remake rocks !
Besides that, on Sunday I went to the mall to buy a jacket. Everything is on sale so I bought a cute army green colour jacket for only USD 32
I didn't take any pics of it... so here goes some more of that leather corset
my "fluffer" top I bought last week
So, how was your weekend?
& hugz
^V^ Akasha ^V^
How was your weekend?
I rest the whole weekend, didn't do much.
Saw the new "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre"

it's so much different from the original, the original is so much better! Well in most cases, the remakes are worse than the original movie...

Besides that, on Sunday I went to the mall to buy a jacket. Everything is on sale so I bought a cute army green colour jacket for only USD 32

I didn't take any pics of it... so here goes some more of that leather corset

my "fluffer" top I bought last week


So, how was your weekend?

^V^ Akasha ^V^
sending you a whole lotta of amor..
It's been a pretty good week though, and looking forward to a weekend of friends, family, beer, and football. Nothing wrong there. How about you?