OK, so recently I've been reading up on postmodernist thought & feminism, a whole topic that I will freely admit makes me want to vomit before I even start. So sick bags on standby (though that's actually a joke, because I never in fact make it to the subject). So, so informed/warned, read on.
First, all works I can find on the subject are, not surprisingly, dry, dry, dry, and better - perhaps - lubricated with a little vomit. I came across 'Current Trends in Feminist Thought and Therapy: U.S.A.' by Virginia I. Goldner [Journal of Feminist Family Therapy, ISSN: 0895-2833 (Print) 1540-4099 (Online)].
So I started and got as far as 'literally from ‘‘around the world.’’ Insofar...' and became so outraged at the author's scare quoting (or should that be "scare quoting"?) of the perfectly normal English phrase 'around the world' that I didn't make it much further before barfing for a reason I hadn't anticipated.
Next, I tried 'Feminism and Postmodernism: An Uneasy Alliance' on the MARXISTS.ORG website, actually taken from ' Feminist Contentions. A Philosophical Exchange', Seyla Benhabib, Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell, Nancy Fraser, with an introduction by Linda Nicholson. [Routledge., pp. 1-16]. This seemed more promising, as the word 'uneasy' made me feel better. But on the other hand, it's on 'MARXISTS.ORG'. Whatever, onwards.
Paragraph one: Yep, Marxist feminism. NEXT!
Next is 'Postmodern Feminism', by Kristina Wolff [The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Edited by George Ritzer].
Right, actually quite nice. Pretty easy to read, well thought out, well structured, *made it to the end*! Only slight problem, it's a meta-doc. It defines and describes postmodern feminism, rather than delving into the subject. Still, worth a read. Seafood note (That's a Victor Borge reference - 'See Footnote').
If you've made it so far, and sorry, no prize if you have, you may remember that at the start I said I'd been 'reading up on...'. Well, I lied. Failing dismally to read up on, in fact. Do not try this at home.