So I designed a clock generator chip for a computer I'm designing. I checked it in a simulator, and it worked. So I programmed the design into an ATF750C GAL chip.
And then I had fun 😀😃. I got to use my second favourite child (after Heather, but before the other 4), my Hewlett-Packard HP1661C Logic Analyzer, and a metric shitload of other test gear. Oh Joy 🤣🤣🤣!!!
Oh yeah, it worked.
@phileasfogg I fed it a 10.0000000Mhz sine wave from my Rigol DG1022U Function Generator, and it reads 10.000Mhz. So I'm happy. I've also given it 5ns pulses, and it counts them fine. Amazing for a 1979 instrument.
Awesome setup! That's some good precision on your clock. 5 ns from back then is very impressive! My first post-college "for fun" project was creating a homemade alarm clock using a 555 IC wired to an RC circuit tuned with a trim pot. I got regular pulses every 1.000 seconds, which was very exciting at the time. I'm eager to hear about your progress. Looks like a lot of fun!