Feb 12 2020
Finally, I'm on œstrogen (estrogen if you're a colonial). It's such a relief 👯♀️👯. It’s strange, but it really does make me feel more of a woman. Hopefully it will do something to fix my body 😊. And get rid of some of the hair ☹! Due to stuff, there’s a real chance that the male suppressing drugs (cardiac arrest), and the feminising hormones (loads of bad possibilities, but mainly stroke) will kill me. I had a job convincing my gyny (gynæcologist, OB/GYN to colonials) to give me them. I had to convince her that I really would rather die as a woman than live like a man. But I really would – though I’d rather live as a woman, obviously.
But oy, oy, oy. Now I’m going through puberty again, and it’s way way rougher than I was expecting. Expected tears, got tears and anger. Tiredness – no wonder teens sleep all day. I’ve been off work two days, I’m just too tired and fucked up.
But it will get better. It’s a joyous time, so rejoice with me, my lovely SG girlfriends 💕💕!