Last night i saw meet the fockers at the movies. I dont know if it's me or if the movie wasnt that funny. lately, i havent been into comedies, somehow they're just not as funny as they used to be to me. also might be that the movie sucked -but i cant tell.
More Blogs
Friday Mar 18, 2005
yup, i've been away for a while. Sometimes I just dont have anything … -
Wednesday Mar 02, 2005
I'm eager to see what life brings this month. Lately, I have found my… -
Friday Feb 25, 2005
whoa, lots of things have happened this month and since I have update… -
Sunday Feb 20, 2005
I've been spending a lot of time on myspace lately. It's fun, there a… -
Friday Feb 18, 2005
arrr -
Sunday Feb 13, 2005
Ugh....I'm sick. It might be the result from being out late last nigh… -
Monday Feb 07, 2005
hooray for t & a !!! -
Friday Feb 04, 2005
I love pay day!! Dont know what my plans are for the weekend. I d… -
Monday Jan 31, 2005
How was everbody's weekend? Saturday was spent in Tijuana visitin…
btw, i like your new profile pic, you have nice eyes and a pretty smile