UPDATE: I'm fucking dying laughing right now, have a good weekend
ok it's friday. good friday. this week flew by, so happy. i'm in a fucking great mood. tonight i'm heading downtown for drinks, likely at the matador. fun bar.
tomorrow i think i'm due for some surfing depending on the weather, might be too windy. sunday is clearer, but i'm supposed to partake in the easter festivities.
tonight is going to be insane. i can guarantee that, i'm in one of my moods where i say "fuck it" and i turn into a loudmouth. basically, i stop caring about thinking before talking. i hope my friends don't start any shit, cause i'm in a fighting mood too.
anyway, i love my fucking life, wouldn't trade it for anyone elses, and that includes hugh heffner.
i fucking rule.
oh yeah, happy easter:

ok it's friday. good friday. this week flew by, so happy. i'm in a fucking great mood. tonight i'm heading downtown for drinks, likely at the matador. fun bar.
tomorrow i think i'm due for some surfing depending on the weather, might be too windy. sunday is clearer, but i'm supposed to partake in the easter festivities.
tonight is going to be insane. i can guarantee that, i'm in one of my moods where i say "fuck it" and i turn into a loudmouth. basically, i stop caring about thinking before talking. i hope my friends don't start any shit, cause i'm in a fighting mood too.
anyway, i love my fucking life, wouldn't trade it for anyone elses, and that includes hugh heffner.
i fucking rule.
oh yeah, happy easter:


HAHAH!!! DUDE!!! I was so fucking like that last night...I was talking shit about everybody...and I didn't give a fuk!! it was good fun...aaaaanyways...have a good weekend.