Jamity is very sexy. wow.
These suicide girls drive me wild.
Maybe moving in with my boyfriend. Probably not the best course of action considering our relationship is a secret. I weigh the options on the scale in my mind and have trouble coming to a conclusion. Would he still love me if he knew how much I desired a woman? is it wrong to want both? I know it is, but still it does not stop me from squirming in my chair at the images of Jamity, and Creamy, and the other beauties of this site.
Earl was such a disappointment. Now I know how parents feel when their children grow up to become crack addicted losers. So much potential, squandered. Oh well, I went to a nice labor day BBQ so I suppose the lack of hurricane was for the best. Today was spent being absolutely lazy. 1700 and sipping rum and OJ while wasting time on the internet. Now who is wasting their potential?
Construiste un mundo exacto
De acabados tan perfectos
Cada cosa calculada
En su espacio y en su tiempo.
Yo que soy un caos completo
Las entradas, las salidas,
Los nombres y las medidas
No me caben en los sesos.
Y ahora estas aqu
Queriendo ser feliz

These suicide girls drive me wild.
Maybe moving in with my boyfriend. Probably not the best course of action considering our relationship is a secret. I weigh the options on the scale in my mind and have trouble coming to a conclusion. Would he still love me if he knew how much I desired a woman? is it wrong to want both? I know it is, but still it does not stop me from squirming in my chair at the images of Jamity, and Creamy, and the other beauties of this site.
Earl was such a disappointment. Now I know how parents feel when their children grow up to become crack addicted losers. So much potential, squandered. Oh well, I went to a nice labor day BBQ so I suppose the lack of hurricane was for the best. Today was spent being absolutely lazy. 1700 and sipping rum and OJ while wasting time on the internet. Now who is wasting their potential?
Construiste un mundo exacto
De acabados tan perfectos
Cada cosa calculada
En su espacio y en su tiempo.
Yo que soy un caos completo
Las entradas, las salidas,
Los nombres y las medidas
No me caben en los sesos.
Y ahora estas aqu
Queriendo ser feliz


a whole lotta craziness actually! lol.. school and work and moved and wow! but i guess its a ll a good thing! how about you ? and yes jamity is WOW! thats what i thought too!! lol ps- can't tell u how your bf would react, you never know! i don't think it is wrong because u can't help how u feel! i feel the same way too