Ah, relief from the horrible heat and humidity! I don't even mind the sun on a day like today!
I wish I could play hooky...
Have you ever been involved in a hurricane? Did you stay and weather it, or leave? What I don't understand is why so many people in New Orleans didn't evacuate. It's a city below sea level, dependent on a system of levees and pumps to keep the water out, and facing such a massive storm, the risks were monumental. One of my grad school friends lives in New Orleans, and the family of one of my best friends from DC also live there, but thankfully they all evacuated and are safe. A few of my sg friends also have family there, most of whom are safely accounted for, thank god. But those that stayed... why did they stay? Did they not have the means to leave? And if not, why don't cities provide free evacuation transportation? It would be a lot less expensive than dealing with all the death and injuries afterwards...
It just seems to keep getting worse down there.
It could be months before some of those people will be allowed back in their homes, and who knows what will be left of them by then. And the National Guard, usually sent in to control things like looting, is stretched too thin now, since most of them (including my dear cousin) are in Iraq. I hate that the rescue efforts were/are compromised because of this stupid war. It's so unfair. *sigh* I know that the thing to do is send $$ to the Red Cross, but I wish there was something more tangible I could do...

I wish I could play hooky...

Have you ever been involved in a hurricane? Did you stay and weather it, or leave? What I don't understand is why so many people in New Orleans didn't evacuate. It's a city below sea level, dependent on a system of levees and pumps to keep the water out, and facing such a massive storm, the risks were monumental. One of my grad school friends lives in New Orleans, and the family of one of my best friends from DC also live there, but thankfully they all evacuated and are safe. A few of my sg friends also have family there, most of whom are safely accounted for, thank god. But those that stayed... why did they stay? Did they not have the means to leave? And if not, why don't cities provide free evacuation transportation? It would be a lot less expensive than dealing with all the death and injuries afterwards...
It just seems to keep getting worse down there.

thank you!!
right outside of Charlotte.