Last night I saw Death Cab for Cutie in Central Park. With the Stars and the Decemberists. There was a full moon, and some amazing cotton-y clouds. Perfect summer weather The show was great, and I got to see my friend Janet, who I haven't seen since we went to an Arcade Fire show last fall. All in all a lovely evening!
But then it took me an hour and a half to get home on the train, and I was up all night feeling nauseous.
Now I am waiting for dinner. Indian delivery. While being stalked by a mosquito. Who has already bitten me TWICE! Through my PANTS!!!! Fucking bastard bug! I will hunt you down and KILL YOU!!!!!!!!
Alright. Off to eat more food, kill more bugs, watch a movie and MAYBE get lucky!!!

Now I am waiting for dinner. Indian delivery. While being stalked by a mosquito. Who has already bitten me TWICE! Through my PANTS!!!! Fucking bastard bug! I will hunt you down and KILL YOU!!!!!!!!

Alright. Off to eat more food, kill more bugs, watch a movie and MAYBE get lucky!!!

You rock. Has anyone told you that lately? Well, it's true.

have fun
kick some ass!!!!!