Unloaded a full size couch, armchair and loveseat from the cargo van and brought them into the house BY MYSELF yesterday! Yup, couldn't wait for the testosterone to get there. Gotta love physics.
Now if only I could find a vibrator that likes to cuddle...
Unloaded a full size couch, armchair and loveseat from the cargo van and brought them into the house BY MYSELF yesterday! Yup, couldn't wait for the testosterone to get there. Gotta love physics.
Now if only I could find a vibrator that likes to cuddle...

And let's not forget I can move heavy boxes AND look good with the furniture. It's true, oft times I've overheard many a houseguest comment to my previous master, "Wow that's a funny looking lamp, but kinda sexy. Now where does the bulb go?"
And I'll have you know this unit is in fact equipped with the state-of-the-art in cuddling technology. You can just call me Cuddle-Tron.