TODAY IS MOVING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Actually it's the 1st moving day, from Manhattan to Brooklyn. My big stuff comes up from DC on the 20th.
After scrambling to refinish the floors all by my lonesome, do some caulking, regrouting, cleaning, and start the painting, I can't believe it's finally HERE.
Friday I slept at the house for the first time-- in the basement, on a rolled-up futon with my coat for a blanket. I had planned to go back to the apt, but when I finished the first round of the downstairs floors at 5 am Sat, my car was blocked in by my neighbor. Not wanting to wake him up (or really, his elderly mother) at that hour, I opted to sleep (badly) in the basement. Then I got up, worked all day, went to Home Depot (I'm a regular there now; I may as well just have my paycheck direct deposited to them...) then back to the city to get ready for the sgny open call. Too bad I was exhausted and fell asleep waiting for JohnnySlacker to get off work... slept through eight phone calls (sorry guys, I couldn't hear my phone in my purse), didn't get up until 11 Sunday, then back to work all day on house stuff. Apparently I missed another great event.
Yeah, I suck.
I did however take a break and actually had dinnerandamovie last night! Sin City was awesome. (Check out ANOTHER Sin City! Heehee!) But I was up way too late (4?), and the movers came a knocking at 8.
As a result, I am exhausted AGAIN today. Fortunately, my company is paying for the move so I just have to sit here and stay out of their way.
Too bad they won't unpack all my stuff and put it away for me. Then I would REALLY be spoiled!
I can't wait to be all settled in, and to get my new kitty!!!!!!!
AND have a soiree!

Actually it's the 1st moving day, from Manhattan to Brooklyn. My big stuff comes up from DC on the 20th.
After scrambling to refinish the floors all by my lonesome, do some caulking, regrouting, cleaning, and start the painting, I can't believe it's finally HERE.
Friday I slept at the house for the first time-- in the basement, on a rolled-up futon with my coat for a blanket. I had planned to go back to the apt, but when I finished the first round of the downstairs floors at 5 am Sat, my car was blocked in by my neighbor. Not wanting to wake him up (or really, his elderly mother) at that hour, I opted to sleep (badly) in the basement. Then I got up, worked all day, went to Home Depot (I'm a regular there now; I may as well just have my paycheck direct deposited to them...) then back to the city to get ready for the sgny open call. Too bad I was exhausted and fell asleep waiting for JohnnySlacker to get off work... slept through eight phone calls (sorry guys, I couldn't hear my phone in my purse), didn't get up until 11 Sunday, then back to work all day on house stuff. Apparently I missed another great event.

I did however take a break and actually had dinnerandamovie last night! Sin City was awesome. (Check out ANOTHER Sin City! Heehee!) But I was up way too late (4?), and the movers came a knocking at 8.
As a result, I am exhausted AGAIN today. Fortunately, my company is paying for the move so I just have to sit here and stay out of their way.

I can't wait to be all settled in, and to get my new kitty!!!!!!!

Whats up butter cup? Had enough of us SG people? I'm not good enough for you?? WHAT THE HELL!??!? SOOORRRY IM NOT MR PERFECT. hmm Well anyway where the hell have you been. Hope everythings goin good.
Hope to see you at the fashion show.