I am absolutely devastated.
I want to crawl in a hole and die.
My lovely new place in Carroll Gardens fell through. I have been victimized and used as a pawn, as my roommates put it "dry-fucked", and I have no legal recourse.
How can people do this? Why did I not see this coming????
I hate what humans are capable of.
I haven't felt this let down in mankind since I was raped.
Last week was one of the worst weeks in a very,very long time. With the exception of Saturday. I want to wake up tomorrow morning and it all to just go away.
I want to crawl in a hole and die.
My lovely new place in Carroll Gardens fell through. I have been victimized and used as a pawn, as my roommates put it "dry-fucked", and I have no legal recourse.
How can people do this? Why did I not see this coming????
I hate what humans are capable of.
I haven't felt this let down in mankind since I was raped.
Last week was one of the worst weeks in a very,very long time. With the exception of Saturday. I want to wake up tomorrow morning and it all to just go away.

that's the worst part of the whole home buying thing
you want me to come over and show you my boobies again?