So I am just now coming down from the high induced by the Patti Smith show. Awesome only begins to describe the show, which was at the Roseland Ballroom on Saturday Night. Back together since 2001, the punk band Television opened for Patti. The concert Saturday night was the first time Patti has played the Roseland; Television also opened for her back in the 70's the first time she played at CBGB's.
I (literally) ran into David Byrne at the bar. He's pretty arrogant, but I liked his white shoes a lot.
Afterwards I got to see my good friends Larry and Ubaldo. Larry used to be lead singer of the Boston band Human Sexual Response (aka the Zulus). He's a doll. Ubaldo is an older Italian genius queen; he is a psychiatrist w/ several PhD's, an accomplished musician composer, builds violins and recently a harpsichord, and is currently studying Chinese for fun. I have known them for about 10 years; they have been together for 18? I think, and now they are having probalems.
I really hope they can work things out b/c I love them both.
Unfortunatley it was too late afterwards to head down to the East Village for WhosYourLibra's birthday celebration. I owe you one honey!
So I also visited my new place in Brooklyn yesterday. I fucking love it and can't WAIT to move in!!!!
The patio is bigger than I remembered. And the owners were getting ready for a chocolate party so the place smelled like heaven.
Afterwards I explored the 'hood a bit and found a great pub w/ $2 GOOD beer/ free pool for a loooong weekend happy hour, a hot sweetie bartendress and a half dozen TV's. hmmmmmm.... football anyone?
Today I met up with my artist friend Rafael for brunch. My exbf (Rozi) was visiting for the weekend, and he commissioned a painting for my housewarming gift!!!!! I am so psyched!!!!! Actually TWO paintings: I picked one out, but they had already been talking about Raffi painting one just for me and Raffi has started it already. So Rozi is buying me the one that I really like and when Raffi finishes the new one, I get to pick b/w that one and the other one that I like. I feel like a spoiled little girl!!!
And I LIKE it!!!!
Today was absolutely perfect weather and I am all ready for tomorrow.
I (literally) ran into David Byrne at the bar. He's pretty arrogant, but I liked his white shoes a lot.

Afterwards I got to see my good friends Larry and Ubaldo. Larry used to be lead singer of the Boston band Human Sexual Response (aka the Zulus). He's a doll. Ubaldo is an older Italian genius queen; he is a psychiatrist w/ several PhD's, an accomplished musician composer, builds violins and recently a harpsichord, and is currently studying Chinese for fun. I have known them for about 10 years; they have been together for 18? I think, and now they are having probalems.

Unfortunatley it was too late afterwards to head down to the East Village for WhosYourLibra's birthday celebration. I owe you one honey!

So I also visited my new place in Brooklyn yesterday. I fucking love it and can't WAIT to move in!!!!

Today I met up with my artist friend Rafael for brunch. My exbf (Rozi) was visiting for the weekend, and he commissioned a painting for my housewarming gift!!!!! I am so psyched!!!!! Actually TWO paintings: I picked one out, but they had already been talking about Raffi painting one just for me and Raffi has started it already. So Rozi is buying me the one that I really like and when Raffi finishes the new one, I get to pick b/w that one and the other one that I like. I feel like a spoiled little girl!!!

Today was absolutely perfect weather and I am all ready for tomorrow.

When do you move into the new place? I'm sure getting out of midtown will be a nice change for you.
I would definately up for the Cramps......let me know..... my email is, it will be good to see you