Monday again. And the weather was SPECTACULAR today!!!! My favorite kind of day...
SO... The food/roommate issue was resolved! Yippee!!!
And I didn't even have to go to Costco! Nope, my roommate got up early on Saturday and went grocery shopping without me. His motives were not as noble as you might think (he had arranged a quick hook-up on his way), but nonetheless he filled the fridge. Then he made a fairly elaborate dinner for the three of us. Although it made me 2 hours late for a party and thus I had to miss the Trashcan Sinatras show, I stayed for the dinner in the spirit of restoring our roommate relations, as it were. (But they're not quite back to normal, since he neglected to get wine...
Which brings me to a curiosity. My roommates often traipse out for a quick hook up. They "shop" online, arrange a meeting place (usually the other guy's place but sometimes HERE!), hook up and that's the end of it.
BRILLIANT! Simply sex or fooling around and that's the end of it. No strings attached. Usually they don't hook up with the same guy more than once, although occasionally it will turn into a dating situation for one of my roommates. So why doesn't this work in the straight world???
I've heard one pretty good theory so far, but what do you think?

SO... The food/roommate issue was resolved! Yippee!!!

Which brings me to a curiosity. My roommates often traipse out for a quick hook up. They "shop" online, arrange a meeting place (usually the other guy's place but sometimes HERE!), hook up and that's the end of it.

Kudos to you and keep on doing what you do.
Kisses and such,
Also, I'll do my best to be as "chunky" as you apparently see me.