--I hate it when I am exhausted at the end of my weekend.
--Friday the 13th came and went w/ no drama.
--I love it when my decisions about a person are reinforced by their behavior.
--Monday will mean a fresh start on several fronts. I REALLY need to be healthy.
-- I ache inside for someone else's inevitable pain. More than anything I wish I could prevent it or take it away, but that's impossible. Sometimes life really sucks.
-- I think there may be another mouse in my apartment. My cat is fascinated with our hall closet.
-- I wish I could type a journal entry with no typos to correct. Dyslexia can really be a drag.
-- I had a great time at the sgny open call event last night... you guys are so awesome!
-- I also had a great time at Little Steven's International Garage Band Festival on Randall's Island yesterday.
-- I have to go to bed soon b/c as I said earlier, I am exhausted!
Have a great week!

--Friday the 13th came and went w/ no drama.

--I love it when my decisions about a person are reinforced by their behavior.

--Monday will mean a fresh start on several fronts. I REALLY need to be healthy.
-- I ache inside for someone else's inevitable pain. More than anything I wish I could prevent it or take it away, but that's impossible. Sometimes life really sucks.

-- I think there may be another mouse in my apartment. My cat is fascinated with our hall closet.

-- I wish I could type a journal entry with no typos to correct. Dyslexia can really be a drag.

-- I had a great time at the sgny open call event last night... you guys are so awesome!

-- I also had a great time at Little Steven's International Garage Band Festival on Randall's Island yesterday.

-- I have to go to bed soon b/c as I said earlier, I am exhausted!
Have a great week!

That is awsome that you went to little stevens festiville, was there a lot of people their?
I wish I made it to the open call, but I ended up going uo to foxwoods, with my friends. Was their a lot of people at the open call?