Once again it is late Sunday night and I have to get up at Oh-Dark-Thirty, yet what am I doing? Sleeping? Of course not!
And tomorrow I will pay, oh yes I WILL PAY!!!
But it's not tomorrow yet. Or actually, it is, but not working hours anyway.
Weekend highlights:
--I saw Eartha Kitt perform tonight at the Blue Note. Nothing short of A-FUCKING-MAZING! What a phenomenal woman! And at 77(!), she is still sexy as hell!!!
Afterwards I met her (and her daughter) briefly, and to hear her purr at you is truly a life-altering experience. So now there may be no way I can go see Catwoman. As gorgeous as Halle Berry is, she is no Eartha.
--Went to see the Bronx Saturday night w/JohnnyTeabags and GraveDiggerJesus at the Knitting Factory. They're awesome. (The band AND the guys.) I was quite grateful to be wearing my boots and to have a couple of large-and-in-charge companions to keep the moshing at bay. Afterwards we headed over to Three of Cups where I finally got to meet the lovelies whosyourlibra and freyja and hang w/ other sgny cats. Then went to Raven for more fun. And beer. And delicious sausage and pepperoni pizza. Which could be improved upon in the following way: Slim Jims in the crust. I will create this in my own kitchen.
Oh yes, I will. A culinary revolution for all to behold. Except you low-food-chain vegetarian-types. You know who you are.
--Spent much of Saturday (and today, come to think of it!) in bed, which is probably contributing to my current insomnia. But at least my sore throat is almost gone!
--Helped my roommate Troy expose his mom to the "realities" of life in NYC. Which was interesting, to say the least. The other roommate, Rob, assisted even more by having his boyfriend over all weekend. (Troy's mom has never seen Troy with a guy...) The weekend was supposed to help ease her into acceptance. My role was to show how gays and straights can live together in perfect harmony. Stay tuned for the afterschool special.
--Finally found some good body wax. (Used it successfully!
So with Eartha still fresh on my mind, I am pondering the concept of the Fountain of Youth: Does such a thing exist? What, and where, is it? Has Ms. Kitt found it? If so, does it solve the telomere dilemma? (I had to throw that in for fellow science geeks...
Let's hope this week's a good one...!
ps Be sure to wish Gridmonkey a Happy Birthday today (Monday)!

But it's not tomorrow yet. Or actually, it is, but not working hours anyway.
Weekend highlights:
--I saw Eartha Kitt perform tonight at the Blue Note. Nothing short of A-FUCKING-MAZING! What a phenomenal woman! And at 77(!), she is still sexy as hell!!!

--Went to see the Bronx Saturday night w/JohnnyTeabags and GraveDiggerJesus at the Knitting Factory. They're awesome. (The band AND the guys.) I was quite grateful to be wearing my boots and to have a couple of large-and-in-charge companions to keep the moshing at bay. Afterwards we headed over to Three of Cups where I finally got to meet the lovelies whosyourlibra and freyja and hang w/ other sgny cats. Then went to Raven for more fun. And beer. And delicious sausage and pepperoni pizza. Which could be improved upon in the following way: Slim Jims in the crust. I will create this in my own kitchen.

--Spent much of Saturday (and today, come to think of it!) in bed, which is probably contributing to my current insomnia. But at least my sore throat is almost gone!

--Helped my roommate Troy expose his mom to the "realities" of life in NYC. Which was interesting, to say the least. The other roommate, Rob, assisted even more by having his boyfriend over all weekend. (Troy's mom has never seen Troy with a guy...) The weekend was supposed to help ease her into acceptance. My role was to show how gays and straights can live together in perfect harmony. Stay tuned for the afterschool special.

--Finally found some good body wax. (Used it successfully!

So with Eartha still fresh on my mind, I am pondering the concept of the Fountain of Youth: Does such a thing exist? What, and where, is it? Has Ms. Kitt found it? If so, does it solve the telomere dilemma? (I had to throw that in for fellow science geeks...

Let's hope this week's a good one...!

ps Be sure to wish Gridmonkey a Happy Birthday today (Monday)!
i'm thinking of the sound of eartha purring right now because of this journal

i cannot wait to meet all the sgny-ers. i move in about a week. (i load up the truck in one week, but won't arrive until the 5th or the 6th)