Today is a Utah State Holiday, Pioneer Day, sometimes also called Founder's Day. On July 24, 1847 Brigham Young led a group of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints into Salt Lake City, UT.
You may be wondering, what does this have to do with a recovering Catholic girl from Cincinnati, OH? My reasons are purely selfish, I assure you!
The lab I work for is in Salt Lake City. Many of the home office employees, as well as most of the board of directors, are Mormon. Which means today is a paid company holiday!!! Woohoooo!!!
...Although I spent most of the day in bed, recovering from our annual company meeting, this year held in Park City UT, instead of doing fun stuff.
Some highlights of the past week:
-- My hotel suite was bigger than our entire 3BR apt here in NYC. The suite had a big eat-in kitchen, a dining room, living room, bedroom and a HUGE bathroom bigger than my bedroom here. There were TWO fireplaces.
-- The mountains were breathtakingly beautiful. The weather was perfect, virtually no humidity, complete with an evening thunderstorm and spectacular lightning show Tuesday night. We were even treated to a double rainbow at sunset Wednesday night.
-- Our awards formal banquet, which we refer to as Prom, hit new highs (or lows?) this year. Our President, a Mormon (and thus non-drinking) even got up on stage to sing Stevie Wonder's "Superstitions." Although he requested the song, he knew almost none of the lyrics, but worked the crowd nonetheless with his Stevie impersonation. Upstaging him was our VP of sales, who, donning an afro wig, proceeded to "sing" Eminem's (Khia's) "My Neck, My Back" in it's entirety. Hearing him sing about licking his pussy and his crack was beyond hilarious!!! Lastly, I was awarded a Swiss Army watch, my fourth one in as many years.
-- My roommate, who works with me and thus was also in Park City, got REALLY wasted at Prom and some scandalicious moments occurred. We spent most of Thursday morning doing damage control!
-- I stayed up way too late most nights, ate and drank way too much, and as a reult I now am exhausted and have a sore throat.
-- As quite, clean-aired and all around beautiful as Park City is, it was still REALLY nice to come home to NYC. Plus I had very little internet access while there, and I missed SG!!!!!
So as I sit inside on a rainy holiday Friday, these thoughts keep floating through my head:
I love my job. I love my home. I love my kitties. I love my friends!
You may be wondering, what does this have to do with a recovering Catholic girl from Cincinnati, OH? My reasons are purely selfish, I assure you!

The lab I work for is in Salt Lake City. Many of the home office employees, as well as most of the board of directors, are Mormon. Which means today is a paid company holiday!!! Woohoooo!!!

...Although I spent most of the day in bed, recovering from our annual company meeting, this year held in Park City UT, instead of doing fun stuff.
Some highlights of the past week:
-- My hotel suite was bigger than our entire 3BR apt here in NYC. The suite had a big eat-in kitchen, a dining room, living room, bedroom and a HUGE bathroom bigger than my bedroom here. There were TWO fireplaces.
-- The mountains were breathtakingly beautiful. The weather was perfect, virtually no humidity, complete with an evening thunderstorm and spectacular lightning show Tuesday night. We were even treated to a double rainbow at sunset Wednesday night.
-- Our awards formal banquet, which we refer to as Prom, hit new highs (or lows?) this year. Our President, a Mormon (and thus non-drinking) even got up on stage to sing Stevie Wonder's "Superstitions." Although he requested the song, he knew almost none of the lyrics, but worked the crowd nonetheless with his Stevie impersonation. Upstaging him was our VP of sales, who, donning an afro wig, proceeded to "sing" Eminem's (Khia's) "My Neck, My Back" in it's entirety. Hearing him sing about licking his pussy and his crack was beyond hilarious!!! Lastly, I was awarded a Swiss Army watch, my fourth one in as many years.
-- My roommate, who works with me and thus was also in Park City, got REALLY wasted at Prom and some scandalicious moments occurred. We spent most of Thursday morning doing damage control!

-- I stayed up way too late most nights, ate and drank way too much, and as a reult I now am exhausted and have a sore throat.
-- As quite, clean-aired and all around beautiful as Park City is, it was still REALLY nice to come home to NYC. Plus I had very little internet access while there, and I missed SG!!!!!
So as I sit inside on a rainy holiday Friday, these thoughts keep floating through my head:
I love my job. I love my home. I love my kitties. I love my friends!

you are so adorable!!