So the weekend has ended...
To sum it up:
Friday: painful, tedious train ride to DC. Painful and tedious b/c I had food popisoning and therefore was in the bathroom every 20 minutes. Train bathrooms=icky! Stayed home Friday night due to same illness. Spent quality time w/ kitties.
Saturday: afternoon wedding, stretched into the wee hours of the a.m. Lovely, not at all pretentious, which is what I expected. Outdoors, non-denominational, GORGEOUS weather, delicious food, FULLY-STOCKED *OPEN* BAR!!! and the bar was open pre-wedding, during the wedding and was the last thing to shut down!!! Saw many old friends who came in from out of town, stayed out way too late, drank way too much and even indulged in a few other naughty things...
All-in-all and AWESOME day!
Sunday: civic-minded day. Went to the Ellipse to see the AIDS quilt, ended up volunteering to help for the afternoon. Got too much sun, so freckles are definitely multiplying...
Had margaritas w/ a friend, then went to see Farhenheit 911. Excellent film. Spent more quality time w/ kitties.
Monday: doctors appt. to remove sinus polyps (ouch! but good pain meds!
tonight I will head discussion group on F-911 at Love Cafe. Check out for more info; it's a nationwide interactive discussion w/ Michael Moore.
Tomorrow: back home to NYC baby!!!!

To sum it up:
Friday: painful, tedious train ride to DC. Painful and tedious b/c I had food popisoning and therefore was in the bathroom every 20 minutes. Train bathrooms=icky! Stayed home Friday night due to same illness. Spent quality time w/ kitties.
Saturday: afternoon wedding, stretched into the wee hours of the a.m. Lovely, not at all pretentious, which is what I expected. Outdoors, non-denominational, GORGEOUS weather, delicious food, FULLY-STOCKED *OPEN* BAR!!! and the bar was open pre-wedding, during the wedding and was the last thing to shut down!!! Saw many old friends who came in from out of town, stayed out way too late, drank way too much and even indulged in a few other naughty things...

Sunday: civic-minded day. Went to the Ellipse to see the AIDS quilt, ended up volunteering to help for the afternoon. Got too much sun, so freckles are definitely multiplying...

Monday: doctors appt. to remove sinus polyps (ouch! but good pain meds!

tonight I will head discussion group on F-911 at Love Cafe. Check out for more info; it's a nationwide interactive discussion w/ Michael Moore.
Tomorrow: back home to NYC baby!!!!

The snowflakes glisten on the tree
The sun no longer sets me free
I feel there's no place freezing me
Let the winter sun shine on
Let me feel the frost of dawn
Fill my dreams with flakes of snow
Soon I'll feel the chilling glow
partial lyrics to Black Sabbath song - Snowblind