Frustrating day at work...
In honor of that, and for MissLucy's benefit
, I bring you the following:
Take stuff from work.
It's the best way to feel better about your job.
Never buy pens or pencils or paper, take them from work.
Rubber bands, paper clips, memo pads, staplers
Take them from work.
It's the best way to feel better about your low pay and appalling working conditions.
Take an ashtray-they got plenty.
Take coat hangers.
Take a.take a trash can.
Why buy a file cabinet?
Why buy a phone?
Why buy a personal computer or word processor?
Take them from work.
I took a whole desk from the last place I worked.
They never noticed, and it looks great in my apartment.
Take an electric pencil sharpener.
Take a case of whiteout-you might need it some day.
Take stuff from work.
It's your duty as an oppressed worker to steal from your exploiters.
It's going to be an outstanding day.
Take stuff from work.
And goof off on the company time.
I wrote this at work.
They're paying me to write about the stuff I steal from them.
Life is good.
--King Missile, Take Stuff From Work
Off to the movies! (Hope I can lug this case of whiteout with me!
In honor of that, and for MissLucy's benefit

Take stuff from work.
It's the best way to feel better about your job.
Never buy pens or pencils or paper, take them from work.
Rubber bands, paper clips, memo pads, staplers
Take them from work.
It's the best way to feel better about your low pay and appalling working conditions.
Take an ashtray-they got plenty.
Take coat hangers.
Take a.take a trash can.
Why buy a file cabinet?
Why buy a phone?
Why buy a personal computer or word processor?
Take them from work.
I took a whole desk from the last place I worked.
They never noticed, and it looks great in my apartment.
Take an electric pencil sharpener.
Take a case of whiteout-you might need it some day.
Take stuff from work.
It's your duty as an oppressed worker to steal from your exploiters.
It's going to be an outstanding day.
Take stuff from work.
And goof off on the company time.
I wrote this at work.
They're paying me to write about the stuff I steal from them.
Life is good.
--King Missile, Take Stuff From Work
Off to the movies! (Hope I can lug this case of whiteout with me!

So, in those relationships whose personalities reflect your father's--were they successful relationships? And how is your relationship with your father? Freud would have a field day with this subject, but he's dead and buried.
I can't compare the similarities of my ex-girlfriends' personalities with that of my mother's because their lives are so vastly different. However, the similarities that may be present are mainly generalizations that exist among many people. Moreover, there are probably more similar personalities between my ex-girlfriends than with them and my mother. If my mother was raised in the U.S. then someone could make a better argument that my ex-girlfriend's personalities are very similar to my mother's, but since my mother was raised in a different culture there are too many other factors to consider.
In terms of appearance, I've never had an asian girlfriend. They don't attract me as much as girls from other ethnicities.