...am writing this from San Fran, city of illusion and fantasy...
(had to indulge my SG obsession, even if just momentarily!
the nieces are AMAZING, they and their surrogate sibs have me yearning to grab them all and head back east pronto! marly, edie, jonah, oona, nina and jessie, what a clan! then there's little zoe... supercharging my maternal instinct to keep it a bay for awhile longer!
this place is so inCredibly magical, the urban clan is truly my destiny. the love flows endlessly. hmmm maybe i won't get on that plane on Weds.
the ex left this a.m., today is beach fun, am decked in de riguer tie dye but draw the line at patchouli.
met some amazing peeps last night, great fun except an awkward moment involving the ex and "Santa"...
will see my college best bud in the manana, and my baby sis returns from tahoe as well. wish i could stay longer!!!!
haven't made it to 12 Galaxies yet, perhaps tomorrow p.m., may not cross paths w/ the musician either. but got some good Pixar scoop from my inside connections! good things coming down the pipeline...
hope y'all are enjoying your holiday!
(had to indulge my SG obsession, even if just momentarily!

the nieces are AMAZING, they and their surrogate sibs have me yearning to grab them all and head back east pronto! marly, edie, jonah, oona, nina and jessie, what a clan! then there's little zoe... supercharging my maternal instinct to keep it a bay for awhile longer!

this place is so inCredibly magical, the urban clan is truly my destiny. the love flows endlessly. hmmm maybe i won't get on that plane on Weds.
the ex left this a.m., today is beach fun, am decked in de riguer tie dye but draw the line at patchouli.

met some amazing peeps last night, great fun except an awkward moment involving the ex and "Santa"...

will see my college best bud in the manana, and my baby sis returns from tahoe as well. wish i could stay longer!!!!

haven't made it to 12 Galaxies yet, perhaps tomorrow p.m., may not cross paths w/ the musician either. but got some good Pixar scoop from my inside connections! good things coming down the pipeline...
hope y'all are enjoying your holiday!

just noticed you're in DC. or are you?
i'm so confused.