Once again it is Sunday night and I am trying to cram in some last minute prep work for tomorrow... and obviously procrastinating!
Last night was a BLAST, went to College Park for a soiree at my friend's place. Truly one of the coolest pads EVER, it should be a museum, collection after collection paying homage to the 60's and 70's, running the gamut from hula and pinup girls to Elvis and swing dancing. Their living room consists of a ping pong table, vintage pinball games (SO KEWL!!!!) and a few antiquated guitars, stand-up bases and the like. And they have TWO foosball tables!!! Plus an iguana and the world's SWEETEST dog, Moondoggy. The Monsters from the Surf played, followed by various other jamming. It was like a tatto convention, haven't been around that much ink since that Harley party in Milwaukee!
So have the cicadas decended upon you? We have only a few in the city here, but out in Maryland, what a cacaphony! (One drunken fool, upon hearing the noise, insisted it was some kind of "Death Ray" over at NASA Goddard... Idiot...) They were EVERYWHERE last night, landing on us, climbing up our arms, backs... They are actually harmless and kind of sweet. I heard that 99% of males have red eyes, while 1% have blue eyes. Of course that prompted a search for the blue eyed ones... No such luck.
Looks like my pennies are being put to use elsewhere, and God knows I NEED it!!!
My performance review is on Tuesday, wish me luck!

Last night was a BLAST, went to College Park for a soiree at my friend's place. Truly one of the coolest pads EVER, it should be a museum, collection after collection paying homage to the 60's and 70's, running the gamut from hula and pinup girls to Elvis and swing dancing. Their living room consists of a ping pong table, vintage pinball games (SO KEWL!!!!) and a few antiquated guitars, stand-up bases and the like. And they have TWO foosball tables!!! Plus an iguana and the world's SWEETEST dog, Moondoggy. The Monsters from the Surf played, followed by various other jamming. It was like a tatto convention, haven't been around that much ink since that Harley party in Milwaukee!
So have the cicadas decended upon you? We have only a few in the city here, but out in Maryland, what a cacaphony! (One drunken fool, upon hearing the noise, insisted it was some kind of "Death Ray" over at NASA Goddard... Idiot...) They were EVERYWHERE last night, landing on us, climbing up our arms, backs... They are actually harmless and kind of sweet. I heard that 99% of males have red eyes, while 1% have blue eyes. Of course that prompted a search for the blue eyed ones... No such luck.
Looks like my pennies are being put to use elsewhere, and God knows I NEED it!!!

My performance review is on Tuesday, wish me luck!

BTW...thank you for the friendship