So on Wednesday night I was watching a DVD with my friend Alex in my hotel suite. I had hooked my laptop up to an LCD projector to create our own big screen TV. Wanting everything "just so" for our viewing enjoyment, I INSISTED we move the couch to a better angle. Well the couch weighed about a THOUSAND pounds, and as I gave it a final shove, I slipped (typical clumsy me)and knocked the LCD projector off its PRECARIOUS mount of phone book, stack of papers, guide book and other handy height-builders. It tumbled down into my laptop, *CRASHED* into the screen where a lovely fractal pattern immediately appeared. Although initially I was delighted by the pretty colors and patterns, it soon dawned on me that, FUCK, I JUST BROKE MY COMPUTER!!!
Fortunately, it is my work computer. The Dell guy came today and not only was he VERY cute, he replaced my laptop screen. I love him.
And once again, all is well in the world!
(Plus I am headed out to a birthday party tonight for TWINS!!!! Gorgeous, funny as shit make you roll on the floor laughing TWINS!!!!)
Lastly, I like the phrase "sweeten your night."

Fortunately, it is my work computer. The Dell guy came today and not only was he VERY cute, he replaced my laptop screen. I love him.
And once again, all is well in the world!

(Plus I am headed out to a birthday party tonight for TWINS!!!! Gorgeous, funny as shit make you roll on the floor laughing TWINS!!!!)
Lastly, I like the phrase "sweeten your night."

hope you had fun at the b-day party.