Kimba the White Lion.
Last Monday, 5/8, my ex-bf Rozi and I had to euthanize my sweet, white kitty, Kimba. She had acute kidney failure leading to total organ failure. There was nothing the vet could do and she was in pain, so we decided to euthanize her. It was all very sudden, and I could not make it down to DC so Rozi had to be there by himself. I am grateful that I had just been down to DC and got to spend one last night with her while she was still healthy...
I first got Kimba late in 1992; she was about a year old. She lived to be about 14-15, so she had a long, happy life. She was very, very loved. I think she had a happy life. When I first got her, she had been terrorized by a 3-year old boy whose mom somehow thought it was a good idea to have a kitten in a trailer home with no place to hide from a rambunctious kid. They called her Diamond, which I immediately changed to Kimba (the White Lion.) At first she was so skittish, if I entered a room where she was sleeping and woke her up, she would race around the apartment, crashing into things in terror. After awhile, though, she settled down. She loved living in the DC house and became quite social. Eventually she decided she wanted to be an only child, so Rozi and I split up and I took Dory (my other kitty) away, and Kimbas happiness was complete! (Well that's what we told the cats, anyway...

Kimba loved to be brushed more than anything. She loved to hunt mice, especially at night after everyone had gone to bed. It was her special thing, and to her it was NOT a game! She loved going out back and rolling on the porch. She loved helping us work by lying next to (if not on) our computers, then later keeping our feet and legs warm at night. She had the sweetest meow and was quite vocal. She had the prettiest fur, pure white and so soft. Her sweet little face with its delicate pink nose was beautiful, and she knew it! She loved to pose and be admired
My heart is broken.
I am so grateful that Kimba was not alone in the end, and that Rozi, who initially did not like cats (!), grew to love her dearly. She was definitely a Daddys Girl from the moment he moved in. She was special and lucky and she leaves a huge void in our hearts. My tears keep flowing...
RIP little white kitty.

ps I wish you could see the picture of her, it's lovely... for some reason it was showing up earlier but not anymore. Help?
As for the elopment, it's been discussed, but there are personal reasons for wanting to do a small to do that I refuse to secede to the needy chaos of relatives...at my own peril clearly. Things will work the way we want...dammit.

Thank you very much for the birthday wishes
it was a good one this year