Hey, hey, hey!
Day one of the Tattoo Expo is behind us, and what a blast we had. I'd go ahead and tell you all about it, but I'm lazy this morning, so go check out Cherrylove13's journal. She pretty much summed it up.
...and yes, watching a fellow SG do a drunken rendition of "I Touch Myself" in one of the white trashiest bars I've ever been in was fucking classic!
Last night was cool though. We didn't pay to go into the floor area with the artists. We saved the $20 and used it to shop the vendors instead. I bought this kick ass Scarface shirt where the head of Al Pacino is the Misfits Crimson Ghost. It is the shit. I'm geared up for more fun shopping today. Damn, can you tell I was raised by a single mother? I can shop for fucking days, but if my car gets a flat tire, I'm fucked.
Ah well...
I hope everyone else is having a kick ass weekend. Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet a few other SG's today or tomorrow. It's funny, so many people I know are on the site now. COME OUT OF HIDING YOU COWARDS!! MAKE A PUBLIC PROFILE!
Cherrylove13 just showed me what outfit she is wearing today. Let me just say I think that 80% of the people at the expo today will see her tits. She's gonna have to use superglue to hold them in place.
Damn, this should be an interesting day.
I'm thinking of changing my member name too... hmm...
...oh yea, so far I'm doing pretty shitty at the vegitarian thing, but I'm not giving up!
With that said, I think it's time to get my shit together and head on out for the day. If any of you are at the Expo today, I'll be the tall guy with the chick in a pink shirt... with her nipples showing.
"...I touch myself..."
Day one of the Tattoo Expo is behind us, and what a blast we had. I'd go ahead and tell you all about it, but I'm lazy this morning, so go check out Cherrylove13's journal. She pretty much summed it up.
...and yes, watching a fellow SG do a drunken rendition of "I Touch Myself" in one of the white trashiest bars I've ever been in was fucking classic!

Last night was cool though. We didn't pay to go into the floor area with the artists. We saved the $20 and used it to shop the vendors instead. I bought this kick ass Scarface shirt where the head of Al Pacino is the Misfits Crimson Ghost. It is the shit. I'm geared up for more fun shopping today. Damn, can you tell I was raised by a single mother? I can shop for fucking days, but if my car gets a flat tire, I'm fucked.

Ah well...
I hope everyone else is having a kick ass weekend. Hopefully we'll get a chance to meet a few other SG's today or tomorrow. It's funny, so many people I know are on the site now. COME OUT OF HIDING YOU COWARDS!! MAKE A PUBLIC PROFILE!

Cherrylove13 just showed me what outfit she is wearing today. Let me just say I think that 80% of the people at the expo today will see her tits. She's gonna have to use superglue to hold them in place.

I'm thinking of changing my member name too... hmm...

...oh yea, so far I'm doing pretty shitty at the vegitarian thing, but I'm not giving up!

With that said, I think it's time to get my shit together and head on out for the day. If any of you are at the Expo today, I'll be the tall guy with the chick in a pink shirt... with her nipples showing.


"...I touch myself..."
I've never been to a tattoo expo. Always wanted to go though.