Well hell, time to stop being so boring and pretend that someone will actually read this. It's bad enough I hardly ever update my website, but what the hell. Halloween was a blast. Saw some really cute kids coming by dressed in all sorts of crazy costumes. This year, I didn't dress up.
Lame me. We did earlier in the week....
My wife and 2 friends of mine made our weekly trip up to the local booby bar which was having their halloween party. We were some of the only ones other than the dancers to actually dress up. Robin was a priest, and the 3 of us guys were Catholic school girls, complete with makup, panties, leashes, chains, well... you get the idea. We get along real well with a number of the dancers there so it was fun. We got on stage and did some dancing... made a few bucks... I got groped a few times, but luckily it was by some girls that I was ok getting groped by.
It's great having a wife who has as much fun (if not more) indulging in the things that I do too.
Well, that's about good... hope eveyone had a great Halloween... enjoy the candy!

My wife and 2 friends of mine made our weekly trip up to the local booby bar which was having their halloween party. We were some of the only ones other than the dancers to actually dress up. Robin was a priest, and the 3 of us guys were Catholic school girls, complete with makup, panties, leashes, chains, well... you get the idea. We get along real well with a number of the dancers there so it was fun. We got on stage and did some dancing... made a few bucks... I got groped a few times, but luckily it was by some girls that I was ok getting groped by.

Well, that's about good... hope eveyone had a great Halloween... enjoy the candy!
on repeat for the last 35 minutes. its been a weird day for me.
i'm good friends with theSTART (aimee and jamies new band) and i've got tons of pics up online. if you ever wanna see, let me know and i'll direct you to them.
and update already!