So for all of my faithful readers (what, 4 of you?) who were DYING to know if I left Playboy TV or not, the answer is no, I'm still here....for now.
Actually, for while, it seems. The show I'm on ends in February, and I was starting to break out the rolodex I don't have to see what jobs would be opening then. Just then, the VP of Post Production knocks on my edit bay door and asks "Wanna work on 'Totally Busted' in February when you're done here?" "Sure" "Okay. See you then."
And that is the life of a freelancer.
In other news, Metal Gear Solid 3 rocks my panties. The last 40 minutes or so are so intense and extreme that I threw down my controller (which promptly exploded) and screamed "Finally, a Metal Gear for MY generation". I saw my neightbor through the window playing Metal Gear Solid 1 on his 486 PC and laughed at him. Just laughed! He sat back in his rocking chair and pitifully muttered "I like my Metal Gear slower, more down to earth, and with fewer Polygons". These old codgers don't understand, and they never will!
My friend Annie is visiting tomorrow, and it looks like I may finally go back to Hawaii sometime next year to visit all my old peeps out there. Seriously, if you're ever on Oahu, there's a store called Jelly's that merchant's in wholesale rad. It's a combination Used CD and Vinyl record store, used book store, comic shop, musical instrument store (including turntables) and it has a mini arcade.
Also, I'll be in Vegas in February for the next UFC. My last trip to Vegas saw myself, sita and seanbaby getting drunk off of the future and encountering its greatest ambassador, a man known only as "Dacri". Lessons were learned, lives were lost, and your world was never the same.
Actually, for while, it seems. The show I'm on ends in February, and I was starting to break out the rolodex I don't have to see what jobs would be opening then. Just then, the VP of Post Production knocks on my edit bay door and asks "Wanna work on 'Totally Busted' in February when you're done here?" "Sure" "Okay. See you then."
And that is the life of a freelancer.
In other news, Metal Gear Solid 3 rocks my panties. The last 40 minutes or so are so intense and extreme that I threw down my controller (which promptly exploded) and screamed "Finally, a Metal Gear for MY generation". I saw my neightbor through the window playing Metal Gear Solid 1 on his 486 PC and laughed at him. Just laughed! He sat back in his rocking chair and pitifully muttered "I like my Metal Gear slower, more down to earth, and with fewer Polygons". These old codgers don't understand, and they never will!
My friend Annie is visiting tomorrow, and it looks like I may finally go back to Hawaii sometime next year to visit all my old peeps out there. Seriously, if you're ever on Oahu, there's a store called Jelly's that merchant's in wholesale rad. It's a combination Used CD and Vinyl record store, used book store, comic shop, musical instrument store (including turntables) and it has a mini arcade.
Also, I'll be in Vegas in February for the next UFC. My last trip to Vegas saw myself, sita and seanbaby getting drunk off of the future and encountering its greatest ambassador, a man known only as "Dacri". Lessons were learned, lives were lost, and your world was never the same.
It's so nice when things in the freelance world work out so well.