Been a while.
Well, first things first, my father passed away on September 15th. He was 68 years old. It's been tough, but I am very fortunate to have friends and family that are as awesome as they are. I'm feeling better by the day, and feel pretty lucky that I got to say everything I needed to before he passed.
The funeral was rough, but not as rough as I thought it would be. The burial was worse, for a lot of reasons. My father spent 22 years in the Army, with 2 tours of Vietnam under his belt. My mother is an Army vet, as am I. Most proceedings I could handle, but when they asked all former military to salute his coffin as taps played, I pretty much lost it.
My Mom is hanging in there, as we all are. Its kinda unreal that I can't just pick up the phone and call him. My Dad raised me on a steady diet of film, and he's the reason why I got into the field of work I'm in. I used to call him everytime I saw a movie, so we could talk about what was good about it. I saw "Serenity," and afterwards I was in a pretty good mood, and instinctively I reached for my phone. That kinda sucked.
Speaking of sucking, allow me to vent for just a second. If I get one more person saying to me "I know exactly what you're going through, I lost my grandmother a few years back.." I will kick them in their motherfucking throat. And don't come at me with that, "well my grandma helped raise me, she's the reason I am who I am..." bullshit. I was close with all of my grandparents, and they're all dead too. Trust me, its not the same fucking thing. We can save the "who's loved ones are more dead" arguement for when I suffer brain damage and become retarded.
Anyway, life is allright aside from all of this. Through some weird happenstance, I'm going to Maui at the end of the month, and I'm cutting a movie right now that's being submitted for Sundance this friday. It'll most likely not make it, but its been fun cutting something other than crap.
That's pretty much it for now. Thanks to all 7 of you who showed your support. My next post will be much happier.
Well, first things first, my father passed away on September 15th. He was 68 years old. It's been tough, but I am very fortunate to have friends and family that are as awesome as they are. I'm feeling better by the day, and feel pretty lucky that I got to say everything I needed to before he passed.
The funeral was rough, but not as rough as I thought it would be. The burial was worse, for a lot of reasons. My father spent 22 years in the Army, with 2 tours of Vietnam under his belt. My mother is an Army vet, as am I. Most proceedings I could handle, but when they asked all former military to salute his coffin as taps played, I pretty much lost it.
My Mom is hanging in there, as we all are. Its kinda unreal that I can't just pick up the phone and call him. My Dad raised me on a steady diet of film, and he's the reason why I got into the field of work I'm in. I used to call him everytime I saw a movie, so we could talk about what was good about it. I saw "Serenity," and afterwards I was in a pretty good mood, and instinctively I reached for my phone. That kinda sucked.
Speaking of sucking, allow me to vent for just a second. If I get one more person saying to me "I know exactly what you're going through, I lost my grandmother a few years back.." I will kick them in their motherfucking throat. And don't come at me with that, "well my grandma helped raise me, she's the reason I am who I am..." bullshit. I was close with all of my grandparents, and they're all dead too. Trust me, its not the same fucking thing. We can save the "who's loved ones are more dead" arguement for when I suffer brain damage and become retarded.
Anyway, life is allright aside from all of this. Through some weird happenstance, I'm going to Maui at the end of the month, and I'm cutting a movie right now that's being submitted for Sundance this friday. It'll most likely not make it, but its been fun cutting something other than crap.
That's pretty much it for now. Thanks to all 7 of you who showed your support. My next post will be much happier.

Happy Birthday!!

hey!! how are you? when did you get engaged? lucky lucky girl!