Hello all! Seems its time for my semi-annual journal update!
Seriously, though- lots of changes, lots of fucked sleep schedules, but also lots of validation and LOTS of positive transformative energy (<in Cartman voice:> "Goddamn hippie!")
That's it for now-- I just had to erase two paragraphs of this 'cos they made no fucking sense whatsoever, so I'm going to go get some (muchh needed) sleep. In bed by 10:30. Oh yes, I am the king shit party animal. Now where's my warm milk... ?
PS- Happy Birthday, Leola's Mom!

Seriously, though- lots of changes, lots of fucked sleep schedules, but also lots of validation and LOTS of positive transformative energy (<in Cartman voice:> "Goddamn hippie!")
That's it for now-- I just had to erase two paragraphs of this 'cos they made no fucking sense whatsoever, so I'm going to go get some (muchh needed) sleep. In bed by 10:30. Oh yes, I am the king shit party animal. Now where's my warm milk... ?

PS- Happy Birthday, Leola's Mom!

I am flattered that you remember you were giving me drawing lessons. I look forward to lesson 2, although confess that I have been a little lax with my homework (although I do remember your advice every time I doodle absent-mindedly)
And to answer your question: I'm not sure whether I have lost weight, though it is possible. See my journal for further details on my physical quandaries.
Good to have you back.