Grrr... Why is it that you can be a member on this sight... and men expect you to show them naked pictures of you - like's it their right or something?
I like my rack - and showing most of it in my profile pic. But seriously???
If you guys want naked women to jack off to, there are plenty of lovely ladies on here that will show you what you need.
If you are actually interested in me as a person - the whole package, not just the tits, THEN mail me.

I like my rack - and showing most of it in my profile pic. But seriously???
If you guys want naked women to jack off to, there are plenty of lovely ladies on here that will show you what you need.
If you are actually interested in me as a person - the whole package, not just the tits, THEN mail me.

I know because many times I resent being one.
Or perhaps sometimes I just resent the human race.
Oh, and people are crazy. So damn needy and selfish.
Maybe that's why I resent them.
I just say... forget 'em. If they're idiots... forget 'em. They'll be idiots for as long as they live and short of multiple punches in the face and a nuclear bomb, they won't change.