I haven't update in quite a while....
anyway, just trying to get more on point w/my artwork. I did get to put a bunch of my art up durring a friend's band's show A Decent Animal! They played w.some band from Tokyo...it was at an art gallery/studio place I'm trying to get into. I was a bit stressed that it was up for everyone to see, so I kind of avoided it all night!
A few friends want me to tattoo them after seeing the artwork, so I'm looking into getting tattoo equipment again. that would be pretty hot to get back into! I left my art w.the people that run the art studio....I get nervous & hope they keep it safe. I am submitting an application for studio space, but there's a wait until a spot is avaialbe...hope it goes well.
I went to a show last night & saw The Defilers...they're sooo good! I was really impressed
I was w/a few friends & heard them say the next song was for the girl in the red shirt....I was wearing red, but didn't realize it was lil ol me
then they played one of my favorite songs, though I don't remember the name of it! ahaha the chorus goes, "my girl is red hot, your girl aint diddely squat!" such cute guys & good musicians. My friend & I hung out w/them till the wee hours of the morning.... I was sooo wasted & tired, that I don't remember the last hour before I went to sleep....though there was a bit of drama in the morning. All I hope is that I don't have a girl in this town pissed at me....especially since I still don't know hardly anyone
I didn't do anything wrong, was just in the wrong place at the wrong time...but girls are crazy, so I guess we'll wait & see.
This town is getting better though!
anyway, just trying to get more on point w/my artwork. I did get to put a bunch of my art up durring a friend's band's show A Decent Animal! They played w.some band from Tokyo...it was at an art gallery/studio place I'm trying to get into. I was a bit stressed that it was up for everyone to see, so I kind of avoided it all night!

I went to a show last night & saw The Defilers...they're sooo good! I was really impressed

This town is getting better though!


Hey chica... I am just going around town bragging about my new little kitty... check out my picture folder marked "Baby"... his name is Guinness!