I've been sugar free for 10 days.
To me, this is like being sober for 10 days.
I've been fine and doing well.
Then I woke up this morning cranky.
I am having a bad sugar day.
I haven't eaten any, but it's all I can think about today.
I had a huge omlette from Sunnyside Up so I wouldn't be hungry.
I'm not hungry.
That's not it.
I am craving.
Like an addict.
I don't want to be here today.
I am surrounded by sugar.
Snickerdoodles, banana bread, brownies and more.
It's driving me nuts.
Four hours to go.
I won't have anything.
I'd regret it instantly.
But it's a mental battle today that I coulddo without.
Hormone related no doubt.
Isn't everything though?
To me, this is like being sober for 10 days.
I've been fine and doing well.
Then I woke up this morning cranky.
I am having a bad sugar day.
I haven't eaten any, but it's all I can think about today.
I had a huge omlette from Sunnyside Up so I wouldn't be hungry.
I'm not hungry.
That's not it.
I am craving.
Like an addict.
I don't want to be here today.
I am surrounded by sugar.
Snickerdoodles, banana bread, brownies and more.
It's driving me nuts.
Four hours to go.
I won't have anything.
I'd regret it instantly.
But it's a mental battle today that I coulddo without.
Hormone related no doubt.
Isn't everything though?
hang in there...you're strong!

you have amazing willpower!