Today's Lesson:
Learn to leap now and then.
A year ago today I was on a plane to Phoenix.
Going to meet eScottie for the first time.
It was really exciting and a little scary, hoping that all would be as wonderful as I wanted it to be.
I took a leap.
I got on that plane filled with hope and a spirit of adventure.
Not knowing if I would fall flat on my face or find what I was looking for.
Leaping can be dangerous.
One could crash and burn.
Every now and then...
You soar high instead.
Never would have found out that I could be this person.
This silly girl in Uptown.
A barista.
A Minnesotan.
Half of a successful relationship.
A silly Black Rock City Citizen.
A better Mom.
Had I never taken this leap.
When presented with your next opportunity to it.
Because you just never know.
It could be just what you need.

Learn to leap now and then.
A year ago today I was on a plane to Phoenix.
Going to meet eScottie for the first time.
It was really exciting and a little scary, hoping that all would be as wonderful as I wanted it to be.
I took a leap.
I got on that plane filled with hope and a spirit of adventure.
Not knowing if I would fall flat on my face or find what I was looking for.
Leaping can be dangerous.
One could crash and burn.
Every now and then...
You soar high instead.
Never would have found out that I could be this person.
This silly girl in Uptown.
A barista.
A Minnesotan.
Half of a successful relationship.
A silly Black Rock City Citizen.
A better Mom.
Had I never taken this leap.
When presented with your next opportunity to it.
Because you just never know.
It could be just what you need.