Putting trust and faith into another person is probably the hardest thing to do. There are so many unknowns in this world and trusting people is always the hardest thing to do because one instance or moment can change a persons feelings and perceptions. With trust you are exposed and open to endless amounts of torment, without trust you are alone and wrapped up in a false sense of security. Is being alone and supposedly safe a better alternative to putting your trust and faith into someone? Life is full of risks, without risk there are no rewards, but the thought of being broken down, for many, is enough to overlook any perceived rewards and go back into hiding. I am an all or nothing kind of person. I am willing to put my everything into someone for the potential. I know when I see potential in someone and I go for it, regardless of the possibilities for pain. I know that I can not control other people or circumstances. It's like an adrenaline rush to me, I'm addicted to the rush of danger and unknown. Nothing feels better than accomplishing something when the risk for hurt and pain is high. The higher the stakes the better I will feel when I pull it off. When I put my mind towards something I always do the best that I can. I do not second guess my intentions and I believe in myself. I have been knocked down so many times, but I always get back up. That is what makes me strong and that is why I continue to put my trust in people who are worthy, because I have trust in myself.
YAY!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited babydoll!!!!! Hurry the fuck up and get here.