Uhhh....Haven't been on in awhile cause my computer melted down after Christmas. Got a new one today, so fucking yay for me. That was about a grand that I didn't have to spend. I am also moving again for the second time in eight months. This time I'm moving to the middle of America to start a new life. New year is bringing a lot of change for me. I expect 2007 to be one hell of a year with much to look forward too. I will be completing my degree, starting a new buisness and starting a life with a person who absolutly inspires me and makes me happy. I don't expect anything to be easy, but I do expect that I will be happy regardless of all the changes in scenery. Moving for me has never been about the places I'm living, it's always been about the people I'm surrounded by and the experiences. This time I don't think I could be any happier about leaving beautiful San Diego. My living conditions are ideal, the town is full of fun places to go, beaches, mountains, you name it, but it's missing one important person. I'm coming for ya doll.
But theres a better chance of me quittin then stayin =/